GES Appreciates Our Families

  • At Guilford Elementary School, we want to partner with our families to ensure a strong school-home relationship. We have many resources for our families, from Guilford Parent Academy to our PTA. We hope you'll be an active part of the Guilford Elementary family.

    We love having you as part of your child's educational experience!   






Car Rider Dismissal Procedure

  • Our student dismissal bell rings at 2:10 p.m.  Students are brought to a centralized location within the school and our dismissal procedure will start immediately if there are no safety issues.  


    For the security of our students, the designated pickup person should drive through the car line to pick up students and not on the sidewalk or crosswalk areas.

    Please note, there may be new families who are not aware of our dismissal procedure. In the event that someone is unaware of our pick-up procedure and comes to the sidewalk, please know that the safety of your children is our number one priority! The car dismissal procedure must always be followed. 

    Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all our students safe.  We appreciate all you do!


  • We want all our students to have the chance to eat a healthy breakfast.  Please drop your child off between 7:10 a.m. and 7:35 a.m. to ensure that he or she will make it to breakfast on time. 

    Guilford Elementary is a CEP School

    The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a school meal funding option of the National School Lunch Act that enables schools to provide free meals to all students.