• Welcome message

    My name is Sandrine Burton and I will be your Fourth Grade teacher this year. I look forward to our journey together. Please reach out to me if you have any questions throughout the year. My email address is burtons@gcsnc.com


    About me:

    I was born in Jamaica, the island of wood and water! I have been in education for approximatley 14 years. I am a proud graduate of the University of West Indies, Mona which is located in Kingston, Jamaica. I currently hold a Master's Degree in Teacher Education and Teacher Development. I have taught Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade. My teaching philosophy reads, "students learn best when they feel welcomed, comfortable and safe". I believe a good teacher cannot begin or continue to inspire without being a learner. 


    Class Schedule:

    7:30am-8:10 am                 Specials

    8:20am-10:15am                Block 1

    10:20am-10:50am              Recess

    10:50am-12:00pm             Block2

    12:35pm-1:30pm               Block2

    1:30pm-2:05pm.               Sci/S.S


    Parent Commmunication:

    Our class will be using the Remind App for messages this school year. Please join by sending a text to 81010, text this message @89ef7ce or click the link below https://www.remind.com/join/89ef7ce?utm_medium=ios


    We will use Monday Folders as a way of communication as well this year.




Picture of Miss Burton