• Checkout Policies

    When Can My Child Check Out a Book?

    The library is open every day for students to come in and check out books! There is an open checkout time in the morning when the librarian can help students. This time starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 7:45 a.m.  Students must check in with their classroom teacher first and get a library pass.

    Self check-in and Self checkout: Third, fourth, and fifth grade students can also come down during the school day to check in their books and to check out more books.  Students need their teacher's permission first before coming to the library.  (For 2024-2025, Self check-in and Self checkout is not an option on Fridays from 9-9:45 a.m. because the necessary computers will not be available at that time.)

    How Many Books Can My Child Check Out?

    In an effort to help the student learn to be responsible, we do limit the number of items they can check out.  However, we do make exceptions for research and other special projects.

    Kindergarten: 1 book

    1 Grade: 1 book (increases to 2 by November)

    2nd Grade: 2 books

    3rd Grade: 2 books

    4th Grade: 2 books 

    5th Grade: 3 books

    When Does My Child's Book Need to Be Turned in?

    A student may keep a book for up to two weeks; after that time, the book is considered overdue by our computer system, and the student will receive a reminder notice. (These notices usually go home in Monday folders.) If the student isn't finished reading the book yet, he or she just needs to bring the book back to the library to check it out again. If the student is finished with the book, he or she can return it and check out another book. 

    Our library does not charge fines for overdue books, but a student's ability to check out books may be limited until overdue books are returned or re-checked out.

    Sometimes mistakes do happen, so if a student receives a notice but thinks the book was turned in, please send in a note or send me an email. I will generally ask the child to look again at home and in the classroom, and I will check the shelves for the book.  

    What if a Book is Lost or Damaged?

    If a book is damaged, please send it back to school with a note. (Please don't try to repair the book yourself. We have some special mending materials that can sometimes work wonders!) Sometimes the book can be repaired. If the book cannot be repaired so that it can go back in the collection and be checked out again, you will receive a notice indicating the cost you will need to help pay to replace the book. (Checks should be made out to Sternberger Elementary.)

    If a book is lost, I typically ask students and families to continue looking for the book in the classroom, at home, at ACES or other after-school care, etc.  I will also look for the book in the library.  The book will remain on the student's "book account" until the item is found, or, if it is not found by the end of the year, you will receive a notice indicating the cost you will need to pay to help replace the book. (Checks should be made out to Sternberger Elementary.) If you pay for the book and find it later and it is in good shape, send the book back to school with a note. There is a form that I will send home that requires a parent or caregiver's signature. Just sign the form and turn it in to the secretary/treasurer in the office and she will begin processing your refund.