Homework Policy

  • In 2nd grade, students will be responsible for reading 20 minutes nightly. Please read with your child whenever you are alble to monitor progress with comprehension (understanding of the text) and fluency (how well/ quickly a child is able to read).


    Math homework will come from our Eureka Math text. It is OPTIONAL, but strongly encouraged, especially when a student needs extra practice with a particular math skill. Assigned pages will be posted weekly on our class newsletter. This will be emailed to you. 

Classroom Schedule

  • Arrival : 7:20

    Harmony and Morning Work 7:45

    Specials 7:55

    CKLA Skills 8:35

    Heggerty 9:50

    CKLA Knowledge 10:05

    Social Studies 10:50

    Lunch 11:20

    Recess 12:00

    Math 12:30

    Science 1:45 

    Dismissal : 2:30 

Classroom Rules

  • At GG, we are 2CRTE! 






    With these in mind, our class rules are as follows:

    1. We listen to what our teacher has to say

    2. We have a growth mindset about learning

    3. We are responsible for our own actions

    4. We respect our classmates and class materials