Weekly ConnectED Message

  • Good Evening Erwin Families,

    On behalf of the Erwin staff, we would like to thank you for all acts of kindness shown during teacher appreciation week. Our staff certainly feels loved and appreciated. Today we celebrate all mothers; birth, adoptive, grandmothers, moms who have lost children, moms who have passed on, stepmoms, and pet moms and all those who love like a mother.

    The following are your announcements:

    This year we have combined our end of year celebration, Family Day and Field Day. Join us May 17th for a day of Fun. Details, requests for volunteers and donations have been posted to dojo and have been sent as an attachment to this week’s connected, additionally we will send a hard copy of the flyer home this week.

    In the Public Montessori environment, we celebrate moving up from kindergarten and 5th grade. Moving up Ceremonies will be June 5th. Times and program logistics will be shared in the Thursday folder for these grade levels.

    Intention forms for the 24-25 school year are due Monday May 13th. The link has been posted to dojos and is included in the email version of this connected.

    Intentions 24-25: https://forms.gle/2efaeEnVJyYtdhzeA

    The deadline to make changes to transportation for the 24-25 school year and the registration for ACES for the 24-25 school year ends May 31st. The link for both forms included in the email version of this message and have been posted to dojo and our school website. For ACES to start at Erwin we will need a certain number to pre register. We need families to make their intentions for ACES know by deadline of May 31rst and pay the appropriate fees in order to have ACES next year.


    ACES: https://acesgcs.ce.eleyo.com/

    As always thank you for all you do to support Erwin Montessori and we hope you have an amazing week!