
    2021-22 Live Schedule and Calendar

    • Mrs. Kyslinger's Homeroom 2021-22 Schedule

      7:20-7:45 - Student Arrival/Breakfast

      7:45-8:00 - Announcements/Attendance/SEL Harmony

      8:00-10:20 - Math and Science

      10:20-10:50 - Recess

      10:50-12:05 - ELA

      12:05-12:30 - Lunch

      12:30-1:10 - Social Studies

      1:10-1:40 - Wide Read (Interventions and Enrichment)

      1:40-2:20 - Specials (M - Art; T - Music; W - PE; Th - Science Lab; F - Media/Technology)

      2:20-2:30 - Pick up and Pack Up

      2:30 - Dismissal