- General Greene Elementary School of Science and Technology
- Classroom Expectations
General Greene Gators Are 2CRTE:
Show Effort
Academic Expectations
AIG Support Plan Outline and Procedures
Once eligible for Academically Gifted (AG) services, students are expected to maintain academic performance in any subject for which eligibility has been determined. Students receiving a grade of
* C on two consecutive quarters of their regular report card or
* D/F during any one quarter of their regular report card or
* U during any one quarter of their AG report card
may be placed on a formal “AIG Support Plan”. The intended outcome of the “AIG Support Plan” process is always to help the child continue successfully on their current academic service plan as outlined on the child’s DEP. Parents will receive notification of the “AIG Support Plan” and be invited to collaborate on developing a strategic plan for improvement. Intervention strategies will be noted on the document AIG Student Support Plan.
Being on an “AIG Support Plan” means that a student is not meeting expectations in one or more classes. The school’s Team for Academically Gifted (TAG), the classroom teacher (if applicable) and parents will meet to discuss possible interventions to help the student improve in the given class(es). Parents will have the option of meeting with the AG teacher alone after TAG suggests strategies if that is more comfortable for them. Students attend AG classes during the “AIG Support Plan” process. Interventions may include (but are not limited to) counseling, organizational skills, use of study skill strategies, modification of assignments, adjustment to the student’s schedule, etc. The student is given a maximum of nine weeks to improve. The AG teacher will monitor student progress. If the “AIG Support Plan” period ends without improved academic performance, a change in service may be recommended by the TAG at the student’s school. No changes will be made in service without documentation of intervention strategies used by personnel. Documentation of intervention strategies are to be filed in the AG folder and noted on the DEP. Parents will receive a copy of all AIG Support Plan documents.
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