• Kindergarten


    1st Nine Weeks

    Forces and Motion

    2nd Nine Weeks

    Living Things-Animals

    3rd Nine Weeks


    4th Nine Weeks

    Matter, Properties and Change



    First Grade


    1st Nine Weeks

    Forces in Action

    2nd Nine Weeks

    Day and Night Sky

    3rd Nine Weeks

    What do plants and animals need?

    4th Nine Weeks

    Earth Materials

    Helping our Planet


    Second Grade


    1st Nine Weeks


    2nd Nine Weeks


    3rd Nine Weeks

    Living Organisms

    4th Nine Weeks



    Third Grade


    1st Nine Weeks

    Land and Water Features

    Skin and the Muscular System

    2nd Nine Weeks

    Factors that Affect Motion

    Earth/Moon/Sun System

    3rd Nine Weeks

    Heat Energy Transfer

    Solids, Liquids, and Gases

    4th Nine Weeks

    Plants: Growth and Structure


    Fourth Grade


    1st Nine Weeks

    As the Earth Turns

    Healthy Living

    2nd Nine Weeks

    Physical Science

    3rd Nine Weeks

    Our Earth Past and Present

    4th Nine Weeks

    Animal Behaviors and Environmental Changes


    Fifth Grade


    1st Nine Weeks


    Thermal Energy

    2nd Nine Weeks


    Human Body Systems

    3rd Nine Weeks

    Human Body Systems

    Forces and Motion

    4th Nine Weeks

    Interdependence of Plants and Animals