• Disclaimer:  The policies and procedures below may be effected due to health protocols due to Covid 19.
    Student Drop Off and Pick Up

    Car rider drop off begins at 6:55 AM. Students who are not in their classrooms by 7:25 AM are considered tardy.  Tardy students must come to the office with a parent or guardian to obtain a tardy slip.  Dismissal begins at 2:05 PM.


    Cars should travel behind the school on Greenlawn Drive, turn right onto Centerfield Road, turn right into the school parking lot and follow the drive that passes in front of the school.  The drop off and pick up point for students is directly in front of the school.  No left turn is allowed from Centerfield Road into the school parking lot during the hours of 7:10 AM - 8:10 AM and 1:50 PM - 2:50 PM.  It is a traffic violation to make a left turn into the lot.  You may be ticketed if you do not adhere to this rule. 


    Please follow these guidelines to assure that drop off and dismissal run smoothly and safely for students, staff and parents:


    • The designated area in front of the school is the only area where parents should pick up and drop off students. 
    • Use the single lane adjacent to the sidewalk to pick up and drop off students.  Do not pull out of this lane to go around other cars. 
    • Stay in your vehicle in the car line. Students should exit and enter cars from the passenger side.  Students should not walk around to the driver's side of the car.
    • Allow students to walk in on their own from the car rider line.  We have Safety Patrol (5th grade students) and adults stationed outside and around campus to help students get to class.
    • If you need to enter the school during car rider drop off and pick up times, please park in the lot and cross at the cross walk.
    • Drivers should not enter or park in the bus lot at any time.
    • During dismissal, place a sign inside your front windshield with student's LAST NAME (in capital letters), first name and grade.  Keep the sign visible until your child is in the car with you.
    • Please do not walk up to the car rider waiting area at dismissal to pick up your child. This presents a security issue for our staff.  If you walk up to the waiting area, you will be required to obtain a green dismissal form from the office before picking up your child.  In addition, please do not approach teachers and take your child during dismissal times (as they are walking to the bus or car rider line).   


    Thanks for your cooperation as safety is our first priority in the car line.