- Summerfield Elementary School
- Counseling Department
Floyd, Devin - Guidance
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At Summerfield Elementary the Counseling Department works with students in a variety of different ways. Throughout the school year we provide a counseling curriculum as part of the weekly specials schedule that is focused on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Academic Growth and Career Awareness. Cousnelors, also work with students in both individual and small group settings to address personal issues and develop skills to become problem solvers.
Our #1 priority as your students school counselor is to ensure that all students feel cared for and respected as part of the Summerfield Elementary Family!
Mission Statement
We believe that:
- all students have dignity and worth.
- all students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.
- all students K-12 should have access to a full time master’s degree level counselor.
The mission of the school counseling program at Summerfield Elementary School is to provide a comprehensive program that will assist students in acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners. The counseling program is an integral part of the total school program with a commitment to individual uniqueness, an understanding of multicultural diversity, and development of human potential. The program seeks to meet the personal/social, academic and career needs of all students.
Devin Floyd (Full Time)
Ren Wilson (Monday/Wednesday/Every Other Friday)
School Counselors