- Southeast Guilford Middle School
- Stephanie Boykin, Assistant Principal
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Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Stephanie Boykin
I’m Stephanie Boykin, an Assistant Principal here at Southeast Middle. I am excited to be working with our students this year.
I’m a native North Carolinian and grew up in the small town of Faison, NC, and am the oldest eight children. I spend a lot of my spare time doting on a host of nieces and nephew. I have a long history in Greensboro and Guilford County Schools. I am an A & T Aggie through and through, as I received both my undergraduate education degree as well as my graduate administration degree from that fine institution. I taught for 10 years in GCS Elementary Schools and was Principal at Bluford Elementary before coming to SEMS. It has been a nice change to be at the middle school level and I am learning to love working with teen agers as much as I enjoyed my elementary children.
Our laptop adoption project has been very exciting. We are catapulting our children into becoming future-ready graduates. We can now teach with tools they enjoy using and get excited about. We live in a rapidly changing world and its fun to think we are educating these children to be ready for jobs that currently do not even exist.