- Jamestown Elementary School
- School Leadership Information
School Leadership Information
School Leadership Information
School Based Leadership Team Members
- Dr. Christa DiBonaventura, dibonac@gcsnc.com (school principal)
- Weaver Walden, waldenw@gcsnc.com (school support officer)
- Dr. Benita Kluttz-Drye, kluttzb@gcsnc.com (assistant principal)
- Elizabeth Rodgers, rodgere@gcsnc.com (administrative intern)
- Brian Puckett, pucketb@gcsnc.com (EC rep)
- Shannon Arnold, arnolds@gcsnc.com (curriculum facilitator)
- Heather Essary, essaryh@gcsnc.com (media specialist, process manager)
- Dominique Wharton, whartod@gcsnc.com (specialist rep)
- Lori Sugarman, sugarml@gcsnc.com (counselor)
- Angie Dickerson, dickera@gcsnc.com (Kinder rep)
- Angela Newton-White, newtona2@gcsnc.com (1st grade rep)
- Brooke Holder, holderb2@gcsnc.com (2nd grade rep)
- Raina Deno, denor@gcsnc.com (3rd grade rep)
- Keyona Watkins, watkink@gcsnc.com (4th grade rep)
- Julie Graham, grahamj6@gcsnc.com (5th grade rep)
- Rhonda Sepulveda, sepulvr@gcsnc.com (classified rep)
To access information about our School Improvement Plan or to access the minutes from our meetings, please go to:
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Password: GuestS16375
Meeting Dates:
- September 10
- October 8
- November 12
- December 10
- January 14
- February 11
- March 11
- April 8
- May 13
- June 10