• Students in grades K-5 are required to take various assessments throughout the school year.  While 3rd through 5th grade students are required to participate in state testing each school year, K-2 students also participate in district assessments as well. 

    EOG Testing:

    All 3rd through 5th grade students must take the NC End of Grade (EOG) tests at the end of the school year.  EOG testing will occur in the last 10 school days of the year.  For the 2024-2025 school year, 3rd-5th grade EOG tests will all take place online.  3rd-5th grade students take the math and science EOG, and 5th grade only will take the science EOG.  Specific dates for these tests have not been selected yet, but testing can begin as early as May 29th.  If you have any questions regarding state testing, please contact the school.  For further information regarding state testing, you can click HERE to link directly to the Guilford County Schools testing page.  


    Interim Testing:

    3-5 students also participate in a quarterly district interim assessment.  All 3-5 students take the math and ELA interim assessments, and 5th grade students also take the science interim.  Students take these assessments three times each school year. 


    NWEA MAP Testing:

    This is a computer-based test required for K-5 students.  K-2 students are only required to take the math assessment, and 3-5 students take the assessment in both math and reading. Students take this assessment three times a year.



    This is another computer-based assessment required for K-3 students.  Students take this assessment three times a year.  clip art of notebook with letters on it