• Sedgefield Elementary


    Ms. J. Kathy Acevedo

     Assistant Principal:  

    Mrs. Rachel Holoman


    Sedgefield School Hours:

    Instructional Hours:

    7:25am - 2:10pm

    Office Hours:

    7:00am - 3:30pm

Vision Statement

  •  At Sedgefield, we believe that children learn differently and that students should be actively engaged in relevant learning opportunities that continue to promote high achievement. A positive, nurturing school climate will enhance all students' emotional, physical and academic development. 

    Modeling honesty, respect, and other positive character traits is best achieved through the collaborative effort of the home/school community.  The home/school partnership is essential to students' success.

    The commitment of all staff to high quality standards, expectations, performance, and continuous learning will enhance student success. 

    Diversity is valued because all students and staff contribute to the strength of our school.

multicultural abstract