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Neal Andrews
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Hello parents please read through this and email me if needed you have questions.-
I hope everyone is doing as well as possible. I’m honestly not trying to blow up your email inbox. I hope you have (1) visited our class website, (2) watched our initial Daily PawCast, (3) possibly had an opportunity to go by the school and get the Math Module 6 & LearnEd science booklet that is on your child’s desk, and (4) have started doing some assignments with your child.
I continue to be free and able to help with any issues through email or Remind.
We will be transitioning to Canvas on Monday for all assignments. I have been working on setting up my webpages with as much simple and non-time-consuming information as possible. I would like everyone to start signing up for canvas today if possible.
• CUT AND PASTE THIS LINK <https://idp.ncedcloud.org/idp/AuthnEngine#/authn> If it does not work just google NCEDCLOUD and click the first link.
Canvas Link: You need to cut and paste this link into a browser. It will not work if you just click on the link!
User Name: Your child’s student ID number (Students should have this memorized. If not you can call the school office at 336-656-4032, but they will probably ask you to come to school to get it.)
Password: Abc12345
Once you get in click on the red circle that says canvas underneath it.Any and all issues please reach out and I will help troubleshoot this with you. I'm learning as I go, so I understand the "whirlwind feeling."Thank you so much for your patience.
Neal Andrews (o\_!_/o)5th Grade TeacherNorthern Elementary School“Let’s always do what’s best for students.” - Sam Foust

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