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ACES Registration 2024-25

  • Parents can register for ACES as well as check your account and make payments using this link:

    Space in ACES programs is subject to availability.  Once registration is submitted online, parents will be contacted by the ACES Site Coordinator to confirm enrollment or to let you know if there is a waitlist.

Welcome To Northern ACES!

  • Hello!

    My name is Debra McMillian, and I am the site coordinator of the Northern Elementary School ACES program. I have been working with Guilford County Schools since the year of 1998, and have been with the ACES program since 2002. I have highly trained group leaders, and we all have Nighthawk pride and spirit!


Upcoming Events

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

Contact Us

  • Debra McMillian
    Site Coordinator
    Phone: (336) 656-4038
    iPhone: (336) 451-4129