- Sedalia Elementary School
- Checkout Policy
At Sedalia Elementary we are excited about reading and want to encourage life-long reading and responsibility in our Library students! Here are some tips to help your child on their reading journey!
When can my child check out a book?
The library is open every day for morning checkout from 7:20-7:45, provided they have been given a library pass from their homeroom teacher. Students must have a pass to enter the library to help us monitor the whereabouts of our students. Your child’s classroom also has an assigned time to come to the library each week!
How many books can my child check out?
In an effort to help our students learn to be responsible, we do limit the number of items they can check out. However, we do make exceptions for research and other special projects.
Grade Level
Number of Books
1 book
1st Grade
2 books
2nd Grade
2 books
3rd Grade
2 books
4th Grade
2 books
5th Grade
2 books
When should my child return his book(s)?
Students should return their book either in their classroom book return or during Library class. Students may keep books for one week, after that time the book is considered overdue by our computer system, and the student will be sent a reminder notice. (These notices go home in the Monday folder.) *If a student hasn't finished reading the book yet, he or she must bring the book into the Library to renew it. If the student is finished with the book, he or she can return it and check out another book during free circulation times or during their scheduled class. Our library does not charge fines for overdue books, but students cannot check out another book until overdue books are returned or re-checked out.
How do I know if my child has a book overdue?
A library book becomes overdue if it is not returned or renewed on the due date, or one week from checkout date. The Library computer system, Destiny, will issue an overdue notice(s), which go home in the Monday folder. If a student needs more time to finish it, it can be renewed in the Library. if the student is finished with it please return it ASAP so that another child can enjoy it! That is a GREAT way for Library students to show "Responsibility" at Sedalia Elementary! Sometimes mistakes do happen, so if a student receives a notice but thinks the book was turned in, please drop Ms. Foley a note or an email at foleyc@gcsnc.com and she will check the library shelves for the book. If the book cannot be found in the Library, please check again in the classroom and home.
What if a book is damaged or lost?
If a book is damaged, please send it back to school with a note, and we will try and repair it. If Ms. Foley considers the damage too extensive to repair, she will send a notice home with the replacement cost. If a book is lost, you will receive a notice indicating the cost you will need to pay to replace the book. Checks should be made out to Sedalia Elementary. If you pay for the book and find it later and it is in good shape, send the book back to school with a note. A refund can be issued.