• Mock Trial

    Essentially, Mock Trial is what it sounds like: Students act out a civil or criminal trial by arguing for either the prosecution or defense side against another team, which acts as the opposing side.

    The process begins with the distribution of case. This case contains all pertinent details about the fictional case the students will be arguing for or against, including witness statements, pre-trial stipulations, exhibits, and more.

    The case also contains strict guidelines that teams must abide by. Every Mock Trial team in the competition will be using the same case. 

    Students then work with their team to develop cases for both the prosecution and defense sides; come competition time, they will have to be prepared to present both arguments. Each side will appoint students who will take on the roles of trial attorneys, witnesses, in addition to one bailiff and one timekeeper. They will work together as a team to craft a strong, comprehensive, well-developed case that they will later present in competition.

    Practices take place during Friday clubs and after school. Contact Mrs. McCarthy at mccartl@gcsnc.com if you have any questions.