- Rankin Elementary School
- Parent Resources
Katherine Goodpasture
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Help for Parents
Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction. This portion of the website provides state guidelines related to the Exceptional Children’s Program. Parents can also find the Procedural Safeguards: Handbook on Parents' Rights on this site. If your child has and IEP (Individualized Education Plan) this book will answer many frequently asked questions related to the Exceptional Children’s Program. http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/parent-resources/parents-rights-handbook
Guilford Child Development will give you information about NC Pre-K, Head start, and Early Head Start http://www.guilfordchilddev.org/index.php?option=com_rsform&Itemid=344
It also provides resources designed to help parents find quality childcare facilities. http://www.guilfordchilddev.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=131&Itemid=87
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children, or TACSEI. This website provides information to parents and caregivers for how they can support their young child or children who demonstrate behavioral problems and who have, or are at risk to have, delays or disabilities. It provides free products and resources designed to help parents promote the development and use of developmentally appropriate social-emotional skills and decrease challenging behaviors.http://www.challengingbehavior.org/communities/families.htm
Piedmont Parent provides news, articles and resources for Triad parents and parents-to-be covering infants and toddlers, tweens, teens, pregnancy, health, travel and community events and resources.http://www.piedmontparent.com/
Family Support Network of Central Carolina provides support, information/education and caring connections for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities or born prematurely.http://www.fsncc.org/
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website provides information regarding developmental milestones and at what ages they are typically met: https://www.asha.org/public/developmental-milestones/communication-milestones/