• Welcome to Mrs. Hudson's Class! I teach Reading, Writing, and Social Studies to my homeroom and Ms. James's homeroom. On this page you will see a copy of our class schedule and some ideas to practice reading at home! The best way to get in touch with me is through Class Dojo or to call the school at 336-375-2545.

  • 2024-2025 Schedule

    7:00-7:30 Arrival

    7:30-9:00 ELA - Hudson Homeroom

    9:00-9:50 DLG - Hudson Homeroom

    9:55-10:25 Recess

    10:25-11:10  Specials

    11:10  Class Switch

    11:10-11:45 ELA - James Homeroom

    11:45-12:10 Lunch

    12:10-1:10 ELA - James Homeroom

    1:10-1:55 DLG - James Homeroom

    2:00 Dismissal

  • Reading Practice at Home

    Here are some ideas and resources to help you practice reading at home with your student.

    • Have your student read a book to you and then:
      • ask them questions about it.
      • have them draw pictures of what happened.
      • have them write a summary of what happened (fiction) or what facts they learned (nonfiction).
      • have them write down all the words that had the same sound.
      • have them predict what will happen next.
      • have them compare and contrast two of the characters.
      • have them draw a picture and write a description of the characters.
    • Ask your student to write:
      • a story - it can be a true story or something they make up.
      • a How-To guide for something they know how to do.
      • a research report on something they are interested in.
      • their opinion on a specific topic, including at least three reasons they feel that way.
    • If you are driving somewhere, have your student try to read the signs they see.
    • Practice a word chain with them: start with a word then change just one sound each time. For example, plain - pain - rain - drain.
    • Have them log in to Readworks.org and practice reading and answering questions(send me a message for the class login information).
    • For books they can read online, this website has books at multiple levels. Send me a message if you want to discuss where they should start.
    • The state website also has resources for reading at home. If your student is not at a third grade reading level, you can also select a different grade level's resources on the menu.

    For specific ideas for your student, please send me a message or call!