• Welcome to All THINGS 5th Grade MATH!!!! 

    We are currently learning:

    Understanding Fractions as Division

    1st Quarter, our focus will be:

    • Place Value: place value, standard, word, and expanded form of WHOLE numbers, multiplying/dividing by multiples of 10, place value relationships, numbers with products up to the millions.
    • Multiplying Whole #s: multiply whole #s using 3 primary strategies (box-method, standard algorithm, & partial product/distributive property) and solve multi-step word problems.
    • Dividing Whole #s: divide whole #s using 2 primary strategies (big-7 & standard algorithm/long division), interpret remainders (add 1 to the whole #, whole # is the answer, remainder subtracted from the divisor, & remainder is the answer), and solve multi-step word problems.

    The majority of the 5th Grade Math EOG is made up of Word Problems and we will be focusing on how to analyze them to figure out exactly what students need to do in order to solve each problem.

    It is very important that students are reviewing notes and practicing at home!!!

    It is also imperative that your child has ALL of their multiplication facts memorized - it will greatly help them succeed this year in 5th Grade Mathematics!!!

    Your child will be taking the MATH EOG on the COMPUTER at the end of this year!!  We will be giving most Math quizzes and assessments on the Chromebooks to help your child prepare.

    I will post our classroom anchor charts, so students will be able to use them while at home. Students also have a "math reference" folder known to them as their math buddies. This has strategies, multiplication & division facts and more.

    Please consider visiting my "Educational Resource and Links" page to view some helpful sites students can log into and work on at home with math.