ACES Registration 2024-2025
Registration Information below is for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year:
The Guilford County Schools After-School Care Enrichment Services Program (ACES) is offered at the 30 sites listed below.
Parents and caregivers can register, manage their account, and make online payments using this link: https://acesgcs.ce.eleyo.com/
Space in the ACES program is subject to availability. Once registration is submitted online, parents will be contacted by the ACES Site Coordinator to confirm enrollment.
ACES does not operate when school is closed (inclement weather, winter break, spring break and teacher workdays). ACES will not operate on Teacher Workdays for 2024-2025 school year.
DSS vouchers are accepted.
Tuition Information for the 2024-2025 school year:
Annual Enrollment Fee: $15 per child
Weekly Tuition: $75 per child
Welcome to Simkins ACES!
ACES . . . helping children develop curiosity, creativity and characterGuilford County Schools invites parents to choose the district’s After-School Care Enrichment Services (ACES) program for quality, affordable and convenient after-school care. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade can enroll in ACES at any time during the school year.ACES provides a balance of academic, enrichment and recreational after-school activities. The program expands children’s experiences, extends their learning and provides warm and caring support.In ACES, students pursue academic excellence as they work on homework, engage in literacy-rich activities, review and practice math concepts, and take part in activities that support their success in school and in life.The ACES program addresses the needs of the whole child, helps develop well-rounded students, increases character-development opportunities for students, and focuses on the social and emotional well-being of children.Involvement in ACES helps build positive school-family relationships and strengthens our schools’ educational partnership with parents and students.ACES programs are licensed by the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (NC-DCDEE) and can accept subsidy payments from agencies such as the Department of Social Services (DSS) and adoption services.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events to display.
Contact Us
Natalie Parker
ACES Site Coordinator
(336) 697-3055 (Office)
(336) 894-4759 (Cell)