- Smith High School
- Course Expectations
Tomarra Hawkins
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Teacher Contact Information:
Ms. Hawkins
Room 108
Email: Hawkint@gcsnc.com
Phone Number: (336) 294-7300 ext. 1645
Mandatory Supplies:
- Pencils
- Notecards
- Loose Leaf Paper
- 1 1-inch Binder
- 1 Composition notebook
- 1 Folder (2 pocket)
- Wifi
- Laptop
Grades for this course will be determined through several assignments. I recognize that different kinds of assignments feed into the strengths of different students, and I work to provide a range of opportunities for you to show what you’ve learned.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 and BELOW
Classroom Procedures:
- Cell phone usage is not allowed in the classroom unless Ms. Hawkins instructs the students to do so.
- Homework will be given regularly. All homework must be submitted promptly on the due date. If the student turns in their assignments late then points will be deducted.
- All makeup work must be completed within 7 days of the original date.
- Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero. A write-up will follow with possible suspension.
- Extra credit opportunities will be given sporadically throughout the school year. It is the students discretion to take advantage of the opportunities.
- Students will be sure to maintain the respectful, organized, clean, and safe learning environment Ms. Hawkins has set for them.
Students who do not comply with classroom procedures will be subjected to be written up, receive in school suspension, and out of school suspension.