Phone: (336) 294-7300


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Special Education English

Ms. Garrison

Please check the Important Information link often for new and current information for both parents and students!

Hello, this is my eleventh year at Ben L. Smith High School. I am a graduate of USC Upstate with a Bachelors of Science in Special Education - Learning Disabilities. I have my license in both Exceptional Children and English as well as being Highly Qualified. I am the EC Facilitator for Smith High School and continue to be an EC Case manager and English II Teacher. I am very passionate about all students receiving what they need to learn and be successful. I love reading, and helping students to read and encouraging everyone to find something to read for their enjoyment. I also love teaching proper grammar to students to help them be successful when they apply for and get a job so that they can present themselves as professional individuals.  Further, I am the SSD Coordinator (Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator with College Board) for Ben L. Smith and work with 9th - 12th grades.