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Pupillo, Erik
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Welcome to Mr. Pupillo's Seventh-Grade World History Class
The emphasis of study for Seventh Grade Social Studies will begin at The 5 Themes of Geography/Map Skills/Seven Continents-4 Oceans/The Middle Ages/The Renaissance and will continue through to Contemporary Times. Please refer to my class syllabus on the COURSE EXPECTATIONS link of my teacher web site. The students will examine the development of culture, government, economics, and society and delve into the revolutions that have shaped countries and military conflicts that have changed the outcomes of nations from (mostly) global and national perspectives. Students should also understand how these events connect us with countries around the world today.
We will begin the year by building on the foundations learned last year in sixth grade when the students studied World Civilization: The Dawn of Humankind through The Middle Ages.
I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Erik G. Pupillo, and I was born in Rome, Italy and moved to the United States after spending a few years being raised in one of the most picturesque countries in the world.
I have been a teacher in the Guilford County Schools system for the last seven years. I began my instructional journey at Kiser Middle School, where I taught sixth-grade Social Studies, which was the study of the Dawn of Humans until The Middle Ages. I then transferred to Southwest Middle School, where I taught seventh-grade Social Studies and developed what I believe to be a thought-provoking curriculum. At the core of my curriculum, I have made it a priority to challenge students, who desire to be challenged, to connect historical events with current events, to critically think, to research seven historical figures, and learn how to develop and debate their points of view on historical occurrences during class.
I believe my curriculum to be fun and engaging, but also challenging and not short on work. The quality and quantity of work your student will experience in my class likely will be a quantum leap from what they were accustomed to doing during sixth-grade. I encourage, challenge and sometimes even cajole students to raise their level of academic effort and excellence in order to reach their academic potential.
I find that my course has an experience-driven focus. It is my hope students will learn to love Social Studies, if they did not already love it when they began seventh grade.
My class essentially an on-line course, and you will find everything your student does on my CANVAS page, which the students can access through NCEdCloud.
I am providing you with a hyperlink to create a parent account on CANVAS in order to partner with your student's progress in my class.
How to Create a Parent Account in CANVAS (click me)
Active parents, who participate in their student(s)' academic journey, provide their student(s) the best chance of enjoying a successful academic year. One of the ways I try to communicate to all of my parents is being an incredibly active grader of assignments. It is my policy to routinely have grades entered in PowerSchool within 24 hours of the assignment's submission date. There are some times where the grades will be updated every 48 hours. I do reserve the right to take longer to enter grades when I have collected a thorough research paper or project because they are much more labor intensive to grade.
What does this mean to you? Do NOT wait for me to e-mail or call you if your student is missing work. Make it a routine to log on to PowerSchool and peruse your student's progress in my class. It is not uncommon for me to have two, three or four new grades updated within the course of a week. I do this to ASSIST you.
How to Create an account in Parent Power School Portal (click me)