6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PTA Meeting
School Closed
2:10 PM - 5:00 PM L4C
Red Robin
Mellow Mushroom
End Q3
Dec. 2-9 - Book Fair
Dec. 5th - 3rd through 5th grade Music Concert
Feb. 7th - Valentine's Dance
PTA Meetings - 2nd Tuesday (monthly at 6:00pm)
Please see the school calendar for Family FUNdraising nights.
Bring your license when picking your student up for early dismissal. Thank you!
New student registration - Please contact our data manager, Kimberly Butler, to make an appointment. (336-685-5000 or butlerk3@gcsnc.com)
Student Online Enrollment
SchoolCash Online
Here Comes the Bus
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