- Madison Elementary School
- School Leadership Team Information
School Leadership Information
School Leadership Team Members
2023-2024 School Leadership Team Members
Noelle Leslie Principal leslien@gcsnc.com
Regenia Ambrose Treasurer (Classified Staff representative) ambrosr@gcsnc.com
Rhonda Webb Curriculum Facilitator webbr@gcsnc.com
Jennifer White K/1st Representative whitej6@gcsnc.com
Kelly McCormick 2/3 Representative mccormk@gcsnc.com
Curtis Bibb 4/5 Representative bibbc@gcsnc.com
Kris Fields EC Representative fieldsk@gcsnc.com
Courtney Adams Specials Representative adamsc2@gcsnc.com
Ashley Paschal Parent Representative rawsis86@aol.com
Sheila Meadows Parent Representative sweetpeauni@yahoo.com
To access other GCS/Madison/SLT actions and meeting minutes, go to:
Username: GuestS16386
Password: GuestS16386
SLT meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise specified.