- Allen Middle School
- Leadership Team
School Leadership Information
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Allen Middle School leadership team will meet the 1st and 4th Tuesday of each month. Meetings could be face-to-face or virtual. The Leadership team meets twice a month, monitors school-level student learning data, and guides processes of continuous school improvement. The team maintains a school culture that is friendly, supportive and focused on children's learning. It provides training and guidance for non-certified and support staff so that they understand the school's purpose and their role within that purpose.
School Based Leadership Team Members:
- Allia Bernard-8th grade Teacher Leadership Chair
- Tonia Bruce-EC Teacher
- Charles Clendinen-6th grade Teacher
- Biljana Dalcheska-Encore
- Kristan Davis-6th grade Teacher
- Danva Duncan-7th grade Teacher
- Julian Gillespie-8th grade Teacher
- Beverly Howard-7th grade Teacher
- Dwayne Jordan Principal
- Johanna Martinez Paraprofessional
- Amy Matthews Media Specialist
- Iris Miller Curriculum Facilitator
- Cari Reeves Assistant Principal
- Marcus Thompson- Encore Teacher
- Jenifer Vega Assistant Principal
- Chris Tolliver Principal Supervisor
- Samantha Troup Parent
- Tarshia Brady Parent
How to access Indistar?
Indistar is a state-wide system that Allen and other GCS schools are using as the hub for school improvement activities. To access Allen’s plan
Go to www.indistar.org
Click User Login
Username: guests16340
Password: guests16340
This will allow you to view Allen’s plan information, meeting agendas, artifacts, and other items related to school improvement.
Allen Middle School's 2019 - 2020 Comprehensive Report: