- Henderson Newcomers
- About Us
The Doris Henderson Newcomers School serves recently arrived immigrant and refugee students in grades 3-11 who are novice English speakers. Focused instruction is provided by staff members in English as a Second Language. In addition, content area objectives are integrated into ESL lessons to provide students access to Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and English/Language Arts curriculum. Art, Physical Education, and focused reading intervention are also offered. Our staff is committed to helping students adjust to the American school system and culture. Field trips into the community provide students with the opportunity to learn about and experience important people and places in their new surroundings. Field trips also build much needed background knowledge for students. Families are important and welcomed partners in the educational process of our students. Adult literacy classes are offered to our families to empower them to progress in their English development. K-12 tutoring and childcare is provided during those sessions.
Mission Statement:
Empower students and families through challenging academics and language learning to help them become independent, lifelong learners.
Vision Statement:
To prepare all Newcomers students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in American schools and society.
Purpose Statement:
To empower students and families through challenging academics and language learning, to help them become independent lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in American schools and society while honoring all cultures and heritages.
Principal: Sonia Marquez
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Instructional Hours: 7:30am - 2:30pm