• Greater Gator Parents and Guardians,


    Thank you so much for working with us during this time of socially distanced face-to-face learning.  We appreciate all that you do!


    Students are encouraged to socially distance 3 feet from staff and peers, and wash their hands, and sanitize often.


    --Your Gillespie Gator Faculty and Staff--

  • Guilford Parent Academy Family Engagement Resources
    Guilford Parent Academy (GPA) presents two free online digital resources for Title I families, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

    GCS-branded Connect With Kids and Family Engagement On Demand help parents help their students academically, socially and emotionally. Parents receive strategies and tips to support learning and build positive relationships with their students. Content is available in both English and Spanish. Click here for more information and to let us know if you would like to have these free resources posted on your school’s website.

    For more information, please contact Kimberly Funderburk 336-279-4924.
  • GPA Partners with NCWorks NextGen to offer Workforce Development Workshops
    for Young Adults
    GCS’ Guilford Parent Academy and NCWorks NextGen team up to offer virtual workshops on employment resources. NCWorks NextGen is a workforce development program providing short term occupational training, paid internships, and employment assistance for eligible young adults ages 16 to 24. This workshop will consist of employment leads, NCWorks Operations Managers, and Youth NextGen Ambassadors to share their experiences. 

    Join us for a session to explore strategies to set and accomplish goals, understand how to be a responsible employee, and start a solid career path with a promising future. CLICK HERE to register and receive the webinar link.

    For more information, please contact Kimberly Funderburk 336-279-4924.