• Welcome from Mrs. Meyer, our School Library Media Specialist

    Welcome to the Archer Topcat Library Media Center. I'm Charity Meyer, and I love being the Media Specialist for Archer Elementary. I received my undergraduate degree in English from West Virginia State University before pursuing my master’s degree in Library Science. I received my Masters from UNCG in Library and Information Studies in 2017. This is my  eighth year at Archer.. 

    Library FAQ

    Here are some important things to know about our Library Media Center:

    How often do students visit the library?

    Students have multiple opportunities to visit the library each week, either as part of their scheduled Specials rotation, a whole class checkout visit, or on an individual as-needed basis.  Our doors are always open to readers!

    How many books can be checked out at a time?

    Kindergarten - 1 book

    First Grade - 2 books

    Second- 2 books

    Third-Fourth- 3 books

    Fifth Grade: 3 books

    When are books returned to the library?

    Students may keep borrowed library books for two weeks.  After that time, all books are considered overdue by our computer system. Students may return books to the library at their regular library class time or throughout the day.  

    Some important Links:

    Archer's Destiny Discover Log in (username is Student ID number and password is birthday (MMDDYYYY)

    Clever Link for Beanstack Access

    NC Kids Digital Library  Select Greensboro (Library card number: GCS+Student ID number ex:GCS98765   PIN: birth month & year in format MMYY)

    Greensboro Public Library (Library card number: GCS+OneCard/Powerschool number ex:GCS98765   PIN: birth month & year in format MMYY)

    Discovery Education (username is OneCard/Powerschool number and password is birthday MMDDYYYY)