• The ACES program provides quality academic, enrichment and recreational activities for students currently enrolled at Peck Elementary School. The ACES program is licensed with a 4 Star Rating from the North Carolina Division of Child Development and has maintained a "Superior Rating" from the Guilford County Health Department.

    Students attending Peck Elementary School will be bused safely, each afternoon, from Peck to Murphey Elementary school, where the ACES program is hosted. The students will be greeted by a member of the ACES staff.

    A $15 non-refundable enrollment fee, a $50 deposit fee, and $50 for the students first week is due prior to the student's first day.

    The Weekly fee is $50 and is due on Friday prior to the week attending.

    A nutritional snack is also served daily.

    If you are interested in our program, please contact Tiffany Stone, ACES Site Coordinator at (336) 266-5520 or email You may also pick-up an