Grimsley Virtual Library
  • Welcome to the Grimsley High School Library!

    Library Information

    We are open from 9:15-4:20 and students must have a pass to visit during class periods. We are open during lunch, but we do not allow food/drink besides water in the library. Twenty-five passes will be given out for lunch. It is first-come, first-serve and passes can only be picked up after the lunch bell rings. Students will pick up a pass at the circulation desk and then return it when they leave. 

    Students interested in tracking their reading can check out Beanstack! Grimsley is off to a great start and are goal is 200,000 minutes for this school year. 

    Technology Information

    Any students that have technology issues (Chromebook, etc.) should try to come between classes, during Seminar, or during lunch for repairs. If a Chromebook needs to be sent for a repair, the device will be switched out for a working device. 

    Students should access accounts through Clever. Please remember that NCEdCloud password issues can only be fixed by teachers.

    Important things to remember:

    • We do not give out loaner Chromebooks or chargers if a student forgets theirs.
    • Students only receive one charger. If a charger breaks, please bring it to the media center.
    • Students are expected to handle their Chromebook with care to avoid physical damage. 
    • If a student loses a device, they should come to the library for further instructions.

    Please see the GCS Technology page for further assistance. 


    GCS Technology Page Link