• My name is Mrs. Penn and I am the 6th grade English Language Arts EC teacher. I am excited to meet all of my students this year. Please reach out to me by email if you have any questions. 




    -          Parents can access student grades through Parent Portal. To learn how, go to https://gcsnc.powerschool.com/public/home.html

    -          Parents can access student Canvas accounts to see student work. To learn how, go to http://nc01910393.schoolwires.net/pages/gcsnc/Departments/Virtual_Learning/Canvas/Canvas_for_Parents

    To login to canvas as a student please go to my.ncedcloud.org and use your student number (lunch number) and your team password to login. Please contact your child's homebase teacher if you do not know this password. Once logged in, choose Canvas and then choose the correct class. 

Mrs. Penn and her family