- Project: High Dosage Tutoring
Priority 1: Accelerate Learning
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High Dosage Tutoring: Overview
Research has shown high–dosage tutoring to be one of the more effective strategies for addressing learning gaps.
Additional research indicates that the greatest learning loss for students following school closures as a result of COVID–19 will be in Mathematics.
To begin to address learning loss in that area, GCS has already partnered with local universities (NC A&T, High Point University, UNC–Greensboro), recruited high school students who meet academic criteria, and trained teacher assistants to provide tutoring support to students. Expanding this initiative to serve the needs of more students will be important to the recovery from COVID–19 learning disruptions.
High–dosage tutoring can be offered both during and outside of school hours.
If offered during school, it is critical that tutoring not take the place of core instruction, but instead offer curriculum–aligned support. In order to achieve this, relationship–building between tutor and teacher must be prioritized.
In order to most effectively meet the academic and social–emotional needs of students, high–dosage tutoring should also feature low student to teacher ratios, strategic pairing, consistency, and deliberate training for tutors not only on academic content, but on how to build trust with students.
Establishing additional connections between the school district and community/university partners will further enhance our ability to successfully implement this initiative.
Related Research
Summarizes the evidence base for high–dosage tutoring and lays out 10 design principles for effective tutoring:
School Practices to Address Student Learning Loss (Annenberg Institute, 2020)
- Intensive recovery needs to be concentrated in the early grades and among already struggling students.
- Strategies to consider: high–dosage tutoring directly tied to classroom content; extended learning time interventions; strong early–warning monitoring systems paired with strong routines
- Strategies to avoid: compressed content; grade retention; and enhanced RTI
Targeted Intensive Tutoring as a Strategy to Solve Unfinished Learning (EdTrust, 2021)
- Summarizes research around most effective forms of intensive tutoring
- Provides guidance on how to implement, including where to invest resources
Gap Analysis
What is our current capacity to implement this plan?
- Bank of possible tutors: University students, High school students, Teachers, Trained teacher assistants
- Curriculum resources
- Initial training for tutors
- Formative assessments
- Survey for tutors and students
What gaps exist in our capacity to implement this plan?
- Ongoing trainings for tutors (mentorships, curriculum, cultural responsiveness)
- Training for and expectations of teachers
- Feedback loops and analysis of effectiveness
- Consistency of tutor availability
- Platform for hosting virtual tutoring
- Intentional use of survey results for next steps
How can we fill those gaps to successfully implement the plan?
- Develop and schedule ongoing tutor training
- Develop teacher expectations; build and deliver training
- Work with the Data Analytics team to build next steps based on the survey results and effectiveness
- Work with agencies to help match tutors with students
- Identify, secure, and launch platform for hosting virtual tutoring
Current Tutoring "Need to Know"
Tutors work with the teacher of record to create a plan for students to attend tutoring and keep track of all tutoring hours.
- Tutoring can be 1:1 or in small groups.
- Tutoring should cover content that not only meets students where they are but also links back to what is being taught in the regular math classroom.
- The amount of time per tutoring session can be flexible to ensure all students’ needs are met.
- The individual duration should match student need and is most effective at 2-6 hours per week.
- Tutors are trained in district-aligned curriculum resources and best instructional practices.
- Each tutoring session is documented in order to track academic progress.
- Tutors and students who receive tutoring complete surveys throughout to monitor tutoring effectiveness.
- Teachers communicate with parents/guardians about tutoring opportunity.
Frequently-asked Questions
Q: What is the purpose?
A: High-dosage tutoring that is directly tied to classroom content – helping students succeed in their coursework in their coursework – can substantially accelerate learning in both math and reading for the most struggling students.
Q: Which content areas?
A: Reading K-2; Math 6-12; EL students
Q: Which students?
A: Students are identified at risk based on assessment data and at risk factors.
Q: When will tutoring take place?
A: Tutoring takes place during the school day and does not interfere with core instruction or pull students from elective classes.
Q: How often will a student receive tutoring services?
A: 3-5 sessions a week for at least 10 weeks
30-60 minutes per session (elementary may be 20 mins/5 days a week)
Q: What is the group size for tutoring?
A: No more than 4 students at a time with a preference of 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1
Q: How are students prioritized?
A: Students identified as having multiple risk factors, including English Learners, students with disabilities, students with a history of chronic absenteeism, students who failed 2 or more core courses, and/or students who did not score proficient on EOG/EOC tests are prioritized.
Q: How does this align with MTSS interventions?
A: Students who need supplemental and intensive interventions should be included in tutoring sessions.
Q: Who will provide the tutoring?
A: Talented teachers, teacher assistants, high school tutors (hired by the district based on academic success), university partners (chosen by the college based on academic success)
All tutors receive ongoing training on instructional techniques, SEL, and cultural competency
All tutors receive ongoing support through lead teachers and district supports
Q: How does this address the social and emotional component of learning loss?
A: Students will be assigned a consistent tutor to help build a mentoring relationship
Tutors will receive ongoing training on SEL and relationship building
Q: How will tutoring effectiveness be measured over time?
A: Effectiveness evaluations/surveys will be administered to students and tutors
Ongoing formative assessments (unit assessments, NWEA-MAP, interims) will be used to measure progress and customize instruction
Q: What curriculum resources will tutors have access to?
A: High quality, standard-aligned resources to reinforce and support grade level instruction
Focus on content aligned to grade level standards, not previous grade level materials
”Just in time” scaffolds based on current content to support unfinished learning
Lead teacher recommendations and regular meetings with tutors to discuss student needs
Q: How will tutoring be delivered?
A: When possible, tutoring will be delivered in person
A blended model can be provided to allow for the best match with students