Northeast Guilford High School JROTC
The goal of the Northeast Guilford High School NJROTC program is to provide an opportunity for students to learn about the basic areas of leadership, honor, courage, commitment and discipline.
The objectives are:
1. To develop informed and responsible citizens.
2. To strengthen character.
3. To help form habits of self-discipline.
4. To prepare cadets for continuing their education after graduation.
5. To have and utilize an active mentor program where students will peer mentor with other students and utilize the SNSI and SNI for mentorship and supervision. For more information about Navy JROTC click Navy JROTC
To be eligible for enrollment and continuance in the NJROTC program a student must:
1. Be enrolled in the NJROTC program.
2. Be good moral character as determined by the Principal and SNSI at Northeast Guilford High School.
3. Be physically fit if he/she is able to fully participate in Northeast Guilford High School's Physical Education Program.
4. Other certain situations as listed in the NJROTC Manual.
A certificate of completion for the appropriate level of the NJROTC curriculum will be presented to each successful cadet at the end of the school year. Enlistment benefits include; students earning a Three-year Completion Certificate, a letter of recommendation from the SNSI, and entitlement to receive a pay grade of E-3 upon initial enlistment in active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, and pay grade of E-2 in the Marine Corps; or completion of two years earn a Two-year Completion Certificate, a letter of recommendation from the SNSI, and entitlement to E-2 (except in the Marine Corps and Air Force).
Students who successfully complete the NJROTC program may compete for a nomination and possible appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy under the Honor School/NJROTC quota. The Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate a maximum of three eligible cadets each year to compete for U.S. Naval Academy appointments. For more information, contact CDR Brian Taylor at