• Accomplishments of Student Council : 

    • Raised over $1000 for Pasta for Pennies to help find a cure for Leukemia & Lymphoma
    • Hosted a Cici's pizza fundraiser
    • Hosted the awards ceremony 
    • Worked closely with PTSA to get senior shirts and plan senior day
    • Assisted in the planning of Spirit Week
    • Hosted welcome back ceremonies both for fall and spring
    • Created and announced Black History facts for the month of February 
    • Created and announced Women's History facts for the month of March
    • Created and announced Alaskan/ Pacific Islander for the month May  
    • Made daily announces for the student body
    • Organized the February 1 celebration for MC juniors and seniors at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University 
    • Created all appreciation gifts for all teachers during teacher appreciation week
    • Assisted with Middle College at UNCG graduation 
    • Met with UNCG Student Government Association       
Student Council Logo
Student Council 2019-2020
  • Your 2018-2019 Student Council

    Advisor: April N. Dunovant

    President - Graham Yates

    Vice President - Melanie Rose

    Principal Liaison - Jaylen Davis

    Treasurer - Ian Gordon

    Historian - Kelcey Barrow

    Secretary - Sierra Stanley

    Advisor Assistant-


    Senior Representatives

    Jessica Torres

    Dia Bennett

    Junior Representatives

    Marcus Woodberry

    Estephani Martinez

    Sophomore Representatives

    Emma Goodson

    Madison Day

    Freshman Representatives

    Kara Stroud 

    Marcus Davis



Ms. April Dunovant
  • Ms. April N. Dunovant

    Ms Dunovant has been at the Middle College @ UNCG and has also been the Student Council advisor for 6 years. Under her advisory, Student council has flourished and became the voice for students. She ensures that students in the council, have the opportunity to be true leaders by engaging in fundraisers, student led activities, and building community among the Middle College students. She absolutely adores Student Council and builds life look working relationships with most of the students that she encounters.