- The Middle College at UNCG
- Scholarship Opportunities
Check your School Counselor’s Scholarship page and Remind for upcoming scholarships
- Federal Student Aid Scholarships - (look under how to find scholarships)
- cfnc.org – (Look under the Pay tab)
- sayyesguilford.org - (Scholarship exclusively for GCS students Video about the scholarship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x1xx2Z1G7E)
- https://cfgg.org/scholarships - (Local Scholarships), Updated list
- https://opportunity.collegeboard.org – (Earn scholarships throughout the college application process)
- scholarships.com – (Scholarship search engine)
- fastweb.com – (Scholarship search engine)
- HBCU Scholarships/Grants - (Scholarship search engine)
- UNCF (Scholarship based for minority students)
- ScholarshipPlus
- NC State Park's Scholarship
- 2023 Matthew C Graziadei Achievement Scholarship Award For students with a disability
- Scholarships offered @ The Community Level
- MLK Jr. Scholarship
- NC A & T Needs based scholarship
State Employees Credit Union Scholarship- Read the Criteria and, if you are interested, see me for an application!
Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA
Take the first step toward paying for college by filling out the FAFSA. It opens December 2023. Understand that the FAFSA can be vital to financing your student's education and we are here to help with the many resources below.
- Video Resources
- Student Loan Calculators: This resource consists of 9 different student loan calculators that are meant to help students learn about the costs of their student debt so they can make the best decisions for their situation. https://lendedu.com/blog/student-loan-calculators/
FORGIVABLE EDUCATION LOANS FOR SERVICE (FELS) The 2011 North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation that merged multiple state programs into a single program known as the Forgivable Education Loans for Service Program (FELS), providing forgivable loans to qualified NC residents who are committed to working in North Carolina in identified high-need professions (nursing, teaching, allied health fields, medicine). FELS recipients will sign a promissory note agreeing to work in North Carolina in their approved fields of study. Application available at CFNC.org/FELS
***Please send ALL scholarship offers to Mrs. Monroe. Please send copies of all the awarded money even if you do not plan on attending those schools.***