- The Middle College at UNCG
- Attendance Policy
The Middle College at UNCG 2024 - 2025
We believe that it is essential that students attend school regularly and arrive on time to get the most benefit from school. Our day begins at 7:50 a.m. If a student arrives after 7:50 they must report to the main office to obtain a tardy slip. We expect students to be in their assigned classroom and ready to begin the day by 7:50 a.m.
Excused tardies include illness or medical appointments. However, when possible, we ask that you please make every attempt to schedule your child’s appointments for 3:30 or later to limit the amount of instructional time he/she will miss.
Failure to report to class on time can result in the following steps being taken:
Tardy Policy
1st Tardy Verbal or written warning
2nd Tardy Teacher/Student conference and time owed.
3rd Tardy Parent contact (Letter or Phone Call) and time owed. Counts as an absence.
4th Tardy Parent contact & lunch or afterschool detention; time owed
5th Tardy Parent contact and office referral
Other arrangements may be made at the discretion of school personnel. Excessive tardiness or absences, including early dismissals, may result in our school social worker contacting Child Protective Services.
For every three unexcused tardies, the student will receive one unexcused absence. When students are continuously late to school, the valuable class time that they miss accumulates and can affect the student’s performance. Therefore, students will be required to make up the time that they miss afterschool or on Saturdays.
The Guilford County School System’s policy states that if a student is absent, the parent/guardian must send a note with the dates(s) of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent’s /guardian signature, within three days of the absence, otherwise it is considered an unexcused (unlawful) absence.
Students are limited to six (6) absences per semester or twelve (12) per school year. Parents will receive notification of unexcused absences at three (3), six (6), and ten (10) days. Excessive absences can result in Child Protective Services being called and/or a student being sent back to his/her home school.
Parents will be notified each evening through an automated MC at UNCG voice message that their student was tardy or absent from a class or some portion of the day. Parents should contact our data manager for the specific class that he/she was tardy or absent.
The following absences are considered lawful absences according to the NC State Board of Education Attendance rules:
a. Illness/injury
b Death in family
c. Religious observances
d. Educational opportunity
e. Medical/Dental Appointment
f. Quarantine
g. Court proceedings
h. Suspension
i. Expulsion
If a student becomes ill or injured during the school day, he/she should report to the office with a note from a teacher and an escort. Parents will be notified of the illness or injury and are expected to pick up the students as soon as possible, if necessary.
Students must be present at least one half of the school day to be counted present. Any student arriving later than 11:30 a.m. or leaving earlier than 11:30 a.m. will be considered absent for the day.
Students should be picked up early for emergencies only and will not be allowed to wait in the front office for more than fifteen minutes prior to being picked up. After fifteen minutes, they will be sent back to class until their ride arrives.
Parents/guardians or the individual that has permission to pick up a student must come in, show their face and ID and sign the student out, using our electronic system, before the student will be allowed to leave with them. This is for the safety and protection of each student.
Note: Please make every effort to have your child present and on time for school. The Guilford County Schools Board of Education gives magnet school principals the authority to request that magnet school students return to their home school if efforts to resolve tardiness and attendance problems fail. After five absences or eight tardies, a request may be made to reassign the student to his/her home school.