- Kirkman Park Elementary School
- Teacher Page
Ms. Lytch
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Welcome to 1st Grade! I am so excited to be your teachers this year. I am looking forward to another great year. With your help, we can achieve this goal so that your child can grow academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Let us continue to improve and make adjustments as needed for the needs of our children.
The following information will clear up some questions and help with class concerns:
- Dress Code- Please make sure student’s clothing is comfortable and appropriate for a school setting. Please, do not send children to school with open toes shoes. Make sure to send child dressed for the weather. There are areas in the building that will be cool and I would recommend that your child brings a light sweater or jacket.
- Homework- Please make sure your child has crayons, notecards, scissors, paper, pencils, and glue to complete their homework. Your child will receive homework Monday through Thursday nights and they should read on the weekends. If you do not see homework for any reason, please call or email me.
- Parent Conferences- We believe parent conferences are very important. Please feel free to stop by, keep in mind conferences cannot be held during instructional time. All conferences must be schedules before or after school hours.
- Transportation- Please clarify with a note any changes in the way your child is transported to and from school. Only a parent or legal guardian can write a note.
- Report Cards - It is mandatory that we have a teacher-parent conference before I can release the first report card to any family.
All bus notes must have:
- Date
- Teacher’s name
- Child’s name
- Address of drop-off location
- Parent’s contact number
- Parent’s signature
- Tardies/Absences- Our school day runs from 7:20 AM until 2:35 PM. Please read the attendance policy. Being dropped off after 7:45 AM will result in a tardy—3 tardies becomes 1 absence. Please send a note/Doctor’s note when a child has been absent, had an appointment, or family emergency to excuse the tardiness or absence. These notices are kept on file.
- Specials- We will be participating in Art, Music, P.E., Media, or Counseling throughout the week. These classes will begin soon. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on P.E. day.
- Class Dojo- Please sign up for Class Dojo using your unique log in code. Download the app on your phone or tablet to keep up to date on events or behaviors in our class this year. This is how I communicate with the parents about your child and school events.
- Lunch- Our daily lunch time is 11:00—11:25 PM on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Tuesday we will have lunch around 11:10 am and on Wednesday we will have lunch around 11:20. Breakfast and lunch are both offered free of charge to all students this year. Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria before coming to class. Please feel free to come and eat lunch with your child. No candy, sodas, or glass bottles will be allowed—these items will be sent back home.
- Donations- We welcome donations of non-mechanical #2 pencils, erasers, glue sticks, Kleenex, crayons, colored card stock and packs of white printer paper.
Please remember that school policy asks you to sign in at the computer by the office before coming to the classroom. You can only enter the building through the main door near the office during school hours. If you have any additional questions you may contact us at (336) 819–2905 or lytchl@gcsnc.com. We look forward to an amazing year!
Thank you for entrusting me with your child.
LaQuisa Lytch, 1st Grade Teacher