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Russel Sweeney
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Welcome to the Page NJROTC
On behalf of the Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, and the NJROTC Parent Booster Club, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the NJROTC. This will be a completely new, but rewarding experience for your son or daughter.
I am writing this letter to assist you and your cadet too understand who and what we are so that we get off to a start that will propel us well past our accomplishments of last year. Some of what we do is the traditional classroom experience, lectures, discussions, tests, etc., but many of the things we do will be new to your teenager. We will teach military drill, ceremonies and courtesies, not because we expect your son or daughter to join the armed forces, but because military drill teaches discipline and orderliness. As your cadet gains experience, we will give them the opportunity to exercise some leadership and responsibility by placing them in a leadership position within the chain of command of the program. Your cadet will be expected to teach and lead other cadets and follow the directions of their cadet leaders. This will be a large portion of their leadership grade.
Generally speaking, all NJROTC students are required to wear their complete uniform on Wednesdays. From the beginning to the end of the school day. The fact that they wear the uniform and how good it looks becomes a very important factor in determining your cadet’s grade. Rarely will we modify the day the uniform is to be worn, but if this happens we will always provide your cadet with advanced notice. If you have a question as to whether your teenager should be wearing their uniform to school on a certain date, please give us a call. Generally, we do not accept any excuse for not wearing the uniform on the designated uniform day. This includes notes from the parents such as “I didn’t get it washed in time or I didn’t get it back from the cleaners in time” etc. Our objective is to teach our cadets responsibility and accountability and this is one method that we use. If a student is absent from school on uniform day, he or she will be expected to wear the uniform the first day they return to school. We consider wearing the uniform a very important part of the NJROTC program. Cadets who do not wear the uniform and do not conform to grooming standards will be dropped from the course.
Each cadet has been given a Health Risk Factor Screening Form, Standard Release Form, and Sports Physical that must be completed by you, and your family doctor. A Custody Card for the uniforms issued to your teenager will be sent for your signature at a later date. We must have these forms completed and returned to us before your teenager can actively participate in NJROTC activities outside of the classroom. Please take a few minutes and fill out the forms and return them to us as soon as possible.
Below is a list of special items that your cadet will need that is not provided by the Navy. Items one through six must be purchased through the unit at our cost of $30.00. We will accept cash or check made payable to Page High School NJROTC. This is our NJROTC standard startup fee. All other items can be purchased through local stores such as Wal-Mart, Target or some grocery stores.
Accident Insurance ($1.75 per cadet)
Name tag ($7.50)
A white crew neck tee shirt ($3.00)
A pair of plain black socks ($1.00)
Navy PT shorts ($8.90)
Navy PT shirt ($9.00)
One can of Brasso (A type of brass polish, Males Only)
Black shoe polish (Kiwi brand) A small can will last one semester
Our purpose is to instill a sense of pride and responsibility in your cadet. Please help us by ensuring your teenager has the items required for inspection day and they are looking their best. We send out important reminders using REMIND.COM. Text this message @Pagenjrotc to (919) 261-6351, and follow the instructions in the text message that you will receive. Once you have completed this you will receive an enrollment confirmation back. Below is a list of major events for September. Note the Annual Trip to Norfolk VA cost is $150.00 and is due by September 6th. Important dates September 9th Newton Conover field meet September 13-17 Naval Station, Norfolk, VA orientation trip. We have also established a parent booster club to assist us with extracurricular activities such as chaperones, fundraisers, and activities that occur beyond the school day. We cannot offer the opportunities to our cadets that we currently provide without the parent booster club. We ask that each of you serve in some capacity through the booster club. Parents meet in the NJROTC classroom on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:15 p.m. I want to briefly mention fundraisers. In order to function, any organization needs money. We are no exception. The United States Navy provides us with a very limited amount of money for orientation trips and the school provides us with no funds. The field trips, equipment for the classroom and a host of other projects are made possible by our cadets raising funds throughout the school year. Our major fundraiser is with Harris Teeter grocery store. Generally it involves providing the unit “VIC” card numbers, last names and phone numbers for you and your neighbors and friends. More information will be provided to you through your cadet enrolled in the NJROTC program. I dislike fundraisers as much as you, but they are a necessary function. We will expect all of our cadets to participate. NJROTC can be a very valuable program for your son or daughter. We have found that what your teenager gets from their association with us is directly related to the effort they put forth and the support of the parents from home. Your support is vital to our success. Many times, communication becomes confused between school and home. Gunnery Sergeant Sweeney and I are always available to discuss your cadet’s progress in NJROTC. If at anytime you have a question about requirements or any of our activities, please feel free to give us a call in the office at 370-8205. You may also reach me by cell phone at the following phone number GySgt Russel Sweeney (336) 847-5806