- The STEM Early College at NC A&T
- Connect Ed Messages
Week of Feb 10, 2025
Congratulationsto Ms. Miller and the Mock Trial Team for an amazing performance this weekend. Below are a few highlighted performances.
Twelve teams competed from Charlotte to Winston-Salem to here. We had two (nine members) teams competing. Team Blue made up of six freshmen and three sophomores.
Team Gold made up of six sophomores, one junior and two seniors.
NCMTP Regional Round 1:
Best Attorney - Simon Clarida, Reyna Rorie Best Witness - Laila Powell, Emily Jordan
NCMTP Regional Round 2:
Best Attorney - Yasmina Issaka
Best Witness - Laila Powell, Aaliya Varricchio
NCMTP Regional Final Round Best Attorney - Simon Clarida
Team Blue (opposing team selects the winner) Best Attorney - Reyna Rorie and Avyukth Villamkandathil Team Blue Best Witness - Aaliyah Varricchio (both rounds)
Team Gold Best Attorney Samhitha Madhan Mohan, Yasmina Issaka Team Gold Best Witness - Laila Powell (both rounds)
Our students did so well - worked very hard. We are truly proud of them and grateful of their progress.
Student Council is sponsoring a Black History Month Spirit Week February 24-28
Monday – Pan-African Color Days (red, black, green, yellow)st
Tuesday – Dress as your favorite African American icon (actor, singer, rapper, scientist, mathematician . . . )
Wednesday – Culture Day
Thursday – Celebrate Milestones of African Americans in Sports – Wear the gear of your favorite African American athlete
Friday – Aggie Pride Day
Prizes awarded on two of the days . . . . which two days . . . who knows. You’ll just have to show your spirit every day!
Dress appropriately. All GCS rules apply.
Student Council is sponsoring a Talent Show on Thursday March 13 directly after school. Anyone interested in showcasing their talent, please sign up on Ms. Offhaus’s door by Monday February 24th.
Yearbooks are on sale for $45 until February 21 through Jostens.com. Anyone who purchases a yearbook will be entered into a raffle to pie a teacher/staff member. Buy add ons? That gives you an extra entry! Current options are Mrs. King-Bennett, Mr. Pait, Mr. Wall, and Mrs. Thompson.
Are you our school's next Poet Laureate? Submit up to 3 of your original poems to Mrs. Gines-Hoyes by Friday, March 7. A local poet will determine the winner. Guilford County Schools will invite High School Poet Laureates across the district to share their writing and participate in various literary events.
Email your poems to Mrs. Gines-Hoyes at ginesa@gcsnc.com.
Week of Feb 3, 2025
Congratulations to the STEMtrons robotics team. They competed in their second and final qualifier of the season. They had a repeat performance this week making it to the final match as part of the 2nd place alliance. They also scored another major win this weekend by bringing home the Think Award for excellence in overcoming engineering problems with creative thinking and using the engineering design process
Don't miss your opportunity to purchase your yearbook at $45 and earn a chance to pie a staff member.
This week Feb. 5th 9th grade students will participate in Anyday activities sponsored by the NCCJ.
The Student Council will honor Black History Month with spirit week activities Feb. 17th-21st See the announcement board for each day activities.
They will also host a Talent Show on March 13th. More information to follow.
Seniors- make sure you have purchased your cap and gown. If you have questions about cap and gowns stop by the office to get contact information for Herff Jones.Week of Jan 27, 2025
Congratulations to the STEMtrons robotics team who worked with their alliance team to win the Finalist Alliance Trophy and place second at their regional qualifier this Sunday. This team has worked very hard this year to overcome setbacks both in building their bot and during competition. They compete again next Saturday at Southern Guilford HS where they hope to qualify for States!!
Remember tomorrow is a GCS teacher workday.
Friday January 31, we will participate in the Feb. 1 events. Dress warm and comfortable for the walk to Woolworth Museum.
Don't miss out on purchasing your yearbook for $45. Anyone who purchases a yearbook will be entered into a raffle to pie a teacher or staff member.
Senior recognitions ads are due by Friday January 31st.Week of Jan 20, 2025
Wow, this past week was quite fun with snow, ice, school delays, school closings, and remote learning! But we made it. Hopefully, next week we will have a bit of normalcy.
Here are a few reminders.
January 20th -GCS will be closed in observance of MLK Holiday. There are no college classes at NC A & T for dual enrollment students. This is also a day of Service. We encourage students to participate in community service activities.
January 27th is an optional teacher workday for GCS.
January 31st.- STEM EC will participate in the 65th SIT-IN Anniversary which includes the The Laying of the Wreath, a program in the Harrison Auditorium and a march to the February One Museum at the Woolworth Building, then lunch in the Williams Cafeteria. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather conditions and to wear comfortable shoes.
Yearbook staff will meet on Tuesday, January 21. Have rides here by 5:30.
Yearbooks are on sale for $45 until February 21. Anyone who purchases a yearbook will be entered into a raffle to pie a teacher/staff member. Current options are Mrs. King-Bennett, Mr. Pait, and Mr. Wall and maybe a guest appearance from Ms. Keels.
Senior Recognition Ads are due by January 31. Students received information about this via their Aggie Email.
Week of Jan 13, 2025
Due to continued icy road conditions in multiple areas of the county, GCS will be on a Remote Learning Day for Monday, January 13th.
After school activities are cancelled for Monday. We will provide meals at Dudley HS, Rankin ES, and Union Hill ES from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Dual enrollments students should follow the directions of NC A & T. Please check your emails for updates from your professors.
Week of Jan 6, 2025
Happy New Year everyone. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable and restful holiday break. Tomorrow, we welcome back our 9th and 10th graders for the second semester of this school year. Students should check their Powerschool for schedules. First semester report cards will be posted in Powerschool later this week. College classes will begin January 13th.
GCS upcoming dates to remember:
January 20th – Martin Luther King Holiday-No School for GCS students
January 27-th -Optional Teacher Workday
Week of May 12, 2024
First off, I would like to give a huge shout out to our Fabulous PTSA President Mrs. Henry-Huff for orchestrating and executing a fantastic Teacher Appreciation Week. Also, Thank you all of the parents who donated or volunteered, you all are amazing STEM parents! When you ask you always deliver! The teachers enjoyed all of the food and goodies this week. Thank you for your continued support.
The 9th and 10 graders have been doing great with testing this week. Testing will continue next week. Rest well this weekend and do your best on your remaining exams.
Senior Night is May 15th all Seniors are required to be there. Families member are invited. The event is held in the Academic Classroom Building. Students must come dressed in business causal attire.
The 2nd Annual Flag Football game against Early College @ Guilford will be Friday May 17th from 5-7 pm on the campus of Guilford College.
New Members of the National Honor Society must pay dues asap. If you have not paid, please see Mrs. McCandless for details.Week of May 5, 2024
AP testing will begin next week. All students must arrive on time, or they will not be able to enter the testing session. If you are a bus or car rider, you will need to make arrangements to arrive 20-30 before testing starts either. Your teachers should have your testing time. If you have questions about your testing time, please ask your teacher or Mrs. Sinclair for clarity.
Teacher Appreciation week is May 6th -May 10th. A Signup Genius link was sent out earlier this week. The PTSA would greatly appreciate your volunteer support or donations.
Seniors and Senior parents, please read your Senior letter for dates and times for upcoming events. Grad Walk is May 10th. Please arrive by 8:45 pm.
The 2nd Annual Flag Football game between STEM Early College and ECG will be May 17th from 5-7 pm on the campus of Guilford College. Any student participating must complete all forms in advance. Forms can be picked up in the office and must be returned to the office.
Yearbooks will be available Monday during lunch. Please see Mrs. King-Bennett to pick them up.
Parents, the UNICEF club is selling Comfort Plushies. A plush animal to help students through the AP testing. Send your student or students send your friend a comfort plushy with a note of encouragement for only $3.00. Payment can be made in the office.Week of April 21, 2024
Thank you to Mrs. King Bennett and the Ladies of STEM for hosting our second annual Multicultural Fair. The student and parent participation was amazing. Thank you again to everyone for allowing us to be a part of your unique cultures.
Thursday, April 25th in Carver Auditorium next to Smith Hall we will have our 9th-11th grade underclassmen award and 10th grade pinning ceremony . From 2pm-3pm Carver Hall. Our pinning recognizes tenth grade students as they prepare to enter their dual enrollment program next year. Parents are invited to attend.
Senior students continue to turn in all acceptance and scholarship award letters to Mrs. Horton even if you do not plan to attend the school or accept the scholarship.Week of April 14, 2024
The Prom was amazing. Everyone looked so beautiful and handsome.
Congratulations to the HOSA Team for a great job at the Regional Competition last weekend. STEM had four students to win the HOSA Bowl and each member was awarded a $6000 scholarship.
Seniors, many of you have not turned in your award and financial aid letters to Mrs. Horton. Please do asap. Even if you are not choosing a school or accepting a scholarship, we need this information anyway.
Also Seniors, make sure you have entered your service learning hours into x2vol. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gines Hoyes.Spring Spirt Week and and the Multicultural Fair is this week. If you are participating in the Multicultural Fair on Friday, please see Mrs. King- Bennett. Tomorrow's spirit day theme is wear the colors that are reflective of your native country. The rest of the Spirt Week themes are posted around school and on the announcement board.
The 9th and 11th grade field trip to Carowinds with will April 26th.
Week of April 7, 2024
The Prom is Friday April 12th at 8:00 pm. If you have not purchased a ticket or if you have a guest who needs to purchase a ticket you need to do so as soon as possible. Also guest forms must be completed and turned in to Ms. Reynolds prior to the event.
All seniors must have their Service-Learning hours documented and approved in x2vol by April 15.
Students who complete and document at least 100 approved hours in x2vol will earn a Service-Learning award.
Seniors who complete and document at least 200 approved hours in x2vol will earn a Service-Learning diploma. Please see Mrs. Gines-Hoyes with any questions.
Seniors students and parents received a letter this week with upcoming Senior events, dates and times. Please be sure you read that carefully. If you did not receive a letter please contact Ms. Keels.
Multicultural Spirit Week and the Multicultural Fair will be the Week of April 15th- April- 19th. This event is sponsored by the Student Council Association and The Ladies of STEM. For more information, please see Mrs. King-Bennett or Ms. Offhaus.Week of March 17, 2024
Tuesday will be the first day of Spring . Our Spring Break begins March 25th. I know everyone is looking forward to some time to rest and relax.
March 21- Is our Mental Health Meal Day at Williams Dining Hall for 9th and 10th graders.
April 1st- Teacher is a GCS teacher workday.
April 5th- Juniors interested in the GCS Operations Summer Internship please check your emails for the application link that was sent out last week. Interviews will take place April 8th- April 12th.
April 12th-Prom time is getting closer, only 26 days away. Purchase your tickets now by going to the K12 payment center on our school's website. Tickets are $45 each.
April 15th- Seniors remember to submit your Decision Day videos to Ms. Yancey by April 15th. Also, Seniors remember to turn in your acceptance and scholarship award letters to Mrs. Horton as you receive them.
May 10th- Senior Youth Leadership Day at Carowinds will be on May 10th. This trip is sponsored and paid for by the CTE department. Students who are interested in attending must RSVP by March 22nd. A sign up sheet will be in the front office. Seniors may see Jaya McCain to sign up.Week of March 10, 2024
March 21st will be our Mental Health Meal visit to Williams Cafeteria for 9th and 10th graders.
March 25th -29th is GCS Spring Break.
April 1st is a GCS Teacher Workday
April 12th will be the Early Middle College Prom at George K's Banquet/Event Center. $45 tickets can be purchased through the K12 payment center on our website.
Attention all Club members: Club photos will be taken Monday and Tuesday during lunchtime this week. Club officers should make sure that a roster is given to King-Bennett by then.
Senior Superlative photos will be taken Monday and Tuesday. Please see the email sent by King-Bennett for scheduling.
There will be a yearbook meeting after school on Tuesday.
Senior be sure to turn in your College acceptance and Financial Aid award letter to Mrs. Horton as you receive them.
Also Seniors are asked to two a 30 sec video announcing their College Decision. Send all videos to Mrs. Yancey by April 5th to be posted on National College Decision Day.Week of March 3, 2024
Congratulations to the Quiz Bowl team for their four wins on Saturday at the Regional competition. Just a reminder that Prom Tickets are on sale now. Purchase yours now through the K12 payment app. Tickets are $45 each. The prom will be on April 12th at George K’s Banquet Hall.
NHS will hold a meeting on March 7th from 4:20-5:00 pm.
We will have our schoolwide SEL day on March 7th and that is also the last day for the third quarter.
March 8th is a workday for STEM Early College 9th and 10th graders.
March 4th -8th is Spring Break for NC A & T Dual Enrollment students.
Our Mental Meal at Williams Cafeteria will be March 12th for 9th and 10th graders.
March 25th -29th is GCS Spring Break.
April 1st is a Teacher WorkdayWeek of Feb 25, 2024
Seniors please remember to submit your acceptance and scholarship award letter to Mrs. Horton as you received them. This information is used when as we recognize your accomplishments at the Senior Awards Ceremony.
All juniors will be taking the ACT on February 27th. This is an asynchronous learning day for 9th and 10th graders.
Senior Cap and Gown pictures are scheduled for February 28th. Please see Mrs. King-Bennett to sign up for a session time.Let’s go Vote walk to the polls will be during lunch on Feb. 28th.
The Dual Enrollment meeting for Juniors and Seniors will Thursday Feb. 29th at 4:00-5:00 in Smith Hall in Room 2004.
An UNC-Chapel representative will at STEM also in February 29th during lunch to speak with students interested in attending.
The White Coat Summit will be held on Saturday April 21st. Please see the flyer sent in your email to sign up. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in Health/Medical Fields to meet and talk with Health Care professionals and to engage in some hands-on activities.
Students please check the announcement board for a full list of club announcements and updates.Week of Feb 18, 2024
Greetings STEM Families,
This is Ms. Keels with your announcements for the week.
Congratulations to Ms. Miller and the Mock trial team for their hard work in their very first competition for the year. Cathy Gan, Millie Stuckert ,Samhitha Madhan Mohan also received recognition for their roles in the trial. Also, our very own, Dylan Reid participated in his second eSports competition at the UNCG esport’s arena.
This week an information session was held for sophomore students and parents about the dual enrollment application process for next year. If you missed the meeting the recording can be found hereSophomore Dual Enrollment Information Session
Passcode: fC+9E=Cq
Time is running out to purchase and guarantee a copy of the 2024 yearbook. If you are interested, please purchase a https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01126974 payment plan is available at checkout. We cannot guarantee a yearbook unless you preorder before 2-23. If you are unsure if you ordered, please check here https://www.jostens.com/customer-service/yearbook-order-tracking
February 27th 11 graders will be taking the ACT exam. This will be an a asynchronous learning day for 9th and 10th graders. Assignments will be posted in canvas.Week of Feb 4, 2024
Greetings STEM Families,
This is Principal Keels with your weekly announcements.
February 6th will be our first Tour Tuesday event at 9:30 am.
February 6 beginning at 10 AM will be the final picture make up. This is your last chance to be in the yearbook. The yearbook club will be afternoon on this day also.
February 7- Ladies of STEM will meet afterschool.
February 23 is the deadline to order yearbooks. Seniors are still able to order a recognition ad if they would like. See KB if you have questions or problems.
February 27th will be ACT for 11th grade students only. This will be an asynchronous learning day for 9th and 10th graders.
Service-Learning Ambassadors and Ladies of STEM are hosting "A Simple Gesture" Food Drive now through February 19th. To earn Service- Learning hours, pick up a donation bag from Mrs. King-Bennett and fill it with non-perishable items and complete a provided handout about nutrition. See Mrs. Gines-Hoyes or Mrs. King-Bennett with any questions.Week of Jan 21, 2024
Greetings STEM Families,
This has been a very eventful week. Thankfully, our students were able to continue with learning in our classrooms during the cold weather and heating challenges. Temperatures are forecasted to improve next week. As a reminder, ACT tutoring has started, please see the information board in the commons area for tutoring times and dates. ACT tutoring will continue until February 24, 2024. 10th and 11th graders are invited to attend.
Are you our school's next Poet Laureate? Submit up to 3 of your original poems to Mrs. Gines-Hoyes by Thursday Jan. 25. A local poet will determine the winner. Guilford County Schools will invite High School Poet Laureates across the district to submit their writing for publication and participate in various literary events.
Email your poems to Mrs. Gines- Hoyes at ginesa@gcsnc.com
January 22 -GCS teacher workday.
January 25th – 9th and 10th grade students will have their wellness lunch trip to the Williams Cafeteria.
January 31- The Choice/Magnet Showcase will be at the Greensboro Coliseum. Applications are available in SchoolMint which can be found on the GCS website.
February- Tour Tuesdays will start in February please see our website for tour times.
February 6th -yearbook make up pictures.
February 1: 9th and 10th grade students will participate in in the February One events. As part of the event students will walk to the Civil Rights museum. We will have lunch downtown, so students need to bring money for lunch. Then we will tour the museum.
That’s all the announcements I have at this time. Have a good evening.Week of Jan 7, 2024
Greetings STEM Families. This is Principal Keels with a few reminders for the week.
Please check your emails for Junior/Senior updates sent out by Mrs. Horton last week.
January 11th Junior/Senior meeting from 10-12. All students are expected to attend.
January 15 is MLK Day.
January 16th. 11th and 12th grade students’ college classes begin
January 18th is picture make-up day for yearbook photos. To purchase yearbooks please see Mrs. King-Bennett.
January 22nd is a Mandatory Teacher Workday
January 31st is the Magnet Showcase at the Greensboro Coliseum from 5:30-8 pm.
Congratulations to the Robotics Club the “STEM-trons” who participated in their first event on SaturdayWeek of Jan 3, 2024
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a safe and happy holiday. Remember we are starting a new semester. First semester report cards will be released in Powerschool by the end of this week. You must log in to your account to access and view report cards.
Just a few reminders.
- January 3rd 9th and 10th graders return.
- January 16th. 11th and 12th grade students’ college classes begin
- January 15 is MLK Day.
- January 27th is a Mandatory Teacher Workday
- January 31st is the Magnet Showcase
- Junior/Senior meeting for January -TBA
Week of Dec 10, 2023
This is Ms. Keels with your weekly announcements. Thank you to everyone for the toy drive donations as well. The last day to purchase tickets for the Winter Ball is Thursday December 14th, so get yours before it’s too late. Also Mrs. Offhaus is in need of additional chaperones for the dance. If you can’t chaperone, then consider snack donations. If you would like to volunteer or donate, please send contact Ms. Offhaus by email offhaut@gcsnc.com.
Winter Dance is Friday December 15th at Elm and Bain. Tickets are $15.00
Retakes for the yearbook pictures have been rescheduled to January 12 beginning at 10:15 AM. Students who do not take a picture will not be in the yearbook.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Project Management I exam that was originally scheduled for the afternoon session of Monday Dec 11th has been rescheduled for the afternoon session of Wednesday Dec 13th.
Because of low participation, the bowling trip for the January’s Dual Enrollment meeting has been cancelled.
Winter Break begins December 21st-January 2nd. Students return January 3rd.
The PTSA will hold a general body meeting on Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 via Zoom to share the their budget and other event updates.Week of Dec 3, 2023
Exam schedules have been posted to announcement board for 9th and 10th graders. If you have questions about the exam schedule please see the your teachers.
December 20th is the last day for the first quarter. Winter break will begin December 21st through January 2nd. Students return on January 3rd.
Winter Break for students taking college courses will be December 15th through January 8th. Classes start January 9th.
Also, Seniors, Mrs. Horton sent a reminder email about cap and gowns. Payments are due by the December 15th. There will be a price increase after this date.
The December Junior Senior advisory meeting has been cancelled. If you are interested in attending the bowling event in January, the cost is $30 and you must pick up a permission slip.
Seniors, check your email for information about your senior internship and senior ads for the yearbook!
Tickets for the Winter Dance are going fast, so purchase yours while you can. Ticket fare is $15 per person. Students can go online to the K12 payment app on our website to purchase tickets. Guests must complete a permission form.
The Student Council is also conducting a toy drive, toys can be placed in the collection box located in the office.
Quiz Bowl practice is cancelled for the rest of the semester. We will meet again in January.
Yearbooks are on sale! The class that purchases the most yearbooks will receive a cupcake party!
All Service-Learning hours accumulated this semester (including this past summer) must be entered into X2vol this semester. If you need assistance, please contact Mrs. Gines-Hoyes before winter break!
For several weeks we have experienced an increased number of tardiness. If you are a car-rider you must arrive and be present in class before 9:20 am. Students with excessive tardiness and/or absences are expected to make up missed time with the corresponding teacher of the class.Week of Nov 19, 2023
Tomorrow marks the end of our PTSA popcorn fundraiser. Thank you in advance to everyone who has participated, but we have one more day to go. So, if you haven’t made a purchase, please do so or if you have then simply share think the link below or the one in the email sent out on Friday. Again, thank you for supporting our school.
The Dec. 8th Junior/Senior Meeting has been cancelled.
Dual Enrolled students interested in attending the Jan 10th outing to Spare Time Entertainment must turn in their permission slips and payment by Dec 8th. Permission slips are available in the front office and the $30 fee can be paid online in the K 12 Payment Center. The outing is open to the first 50 students.
November 22nd- 26th will be Thanksgiving Break for GCS and NC A & T dual enrollment students.
December 15th – STEM EC and A & T Four Middle College will hold their Winter Dance at Elm and Bain. from 8-11 pm. Dress is semi formal. Tickets have been reduced to $15.00 per person. Guest must complete a guest form. See Mrs. Offhaus for more information.
Students who would like to participate in the Secret Santa Gift exchange may pick up a form in the office with details and information about the event.
Please check the announcement board for club updates and information. See Mrs. King-Bennett if you would like to purchase a copy of the 2023-2024 Better in Blue and Gold Yearbook.Week of Nov 12, 2023
Seniors, please check your email for a link to sign up for your senior portraits. This is your opportunity to be in the yearbook! Portraits are Wednesday, November 15. Bring outfit changes for a causal and a dressy photo.
If you’re an athlete, please check the board in the lobby to be in the sports section of the yearbook. Scan the QR code for information.
Get your copy of the 2023-2024 Better in Blue and Gold yearbook. The class that purchases the most yearbooks will win a cupcake party in February.
November 22nd- 26th will be Thanksgiving Break for GCS and NC A & T dual enrollment students.
December 8th- Junior/Senior meeting 10 am-noon. Location TBA. Juniors and Senior attending the bowling field trip in January can pay through the K12 payment app. The cost is $30.00.
December 15th – STEM EC and A & T Four Middle College will hold their Winter Dance at Elm and Bain. from 8-11 pm. Dress is semi formal. Tickets are $20.00 per person. Guest must complete a guest form. See Mrs. Offhaus for more information. Students are asked to bring can good donations also to support the Student Council food drive.
Please check the announcement board for information on club meetings.
The PTSA will be launching their popcorn fundraiser Thursday November 16th-Sunday November 19th. The Double Good Popcorn fundraiser is a quick and easy way to financially support our school, so we're encouraging everyone will participate.
The Multicultural Club will host a guest speaker event in Mr. Pait's room Thursday during lunch in recognition of Native American Heritage Month. All students are invited and Service-Learning opportunities will be available. Email Mrs. Gines-Hoyes with any questions.Week of Nov 5, 2023
I hope everyone had a great weekend, especially those who were able to participate in the GHOE experience. The Homecoming Court and Student Council represented us well in the parade on Saturday.
Here a few announcements for the week.
November 10th – in recognition of Veteran’s Day there will be not school for GCS students. NC A & T dual enrollment students will follow their regular class schedule.
November 15th- Senior pictures. Senior should bring a casual and dressy outfit to change. Black and White formal wear will be provided for formal pictures. A sign up sheet will be placed in the office.
November 22nd- 26th will be Thanksgiving Break for GCS and NC A & T dual enrollment students.
December 15th – STEM EC and A & T Four Middle College will hold their Winter Dance at Elm and Bain. More information about tickets purchases will be forthcoming.
Please check the announcement board for information on club meetings.
The PTSA will be launching their popcorn fundraiser again. Please stay tuned for dates. This is a very simple and low maintenance fundraiser. Last year the PTSA, earned over $4,000. These funds have provided support to our school in the form of celebrations and club funding, so encourage participation by selling or purchasing popcorn.Week of Oct 27, 2023
Wow, what an exciting two weeks we’ve had with College Application Week Activities, Spirit Week Activities and the STEM Excels event. Thank you to everyone that made of these events a success. A special thank you to the PTSA for an awesome celebration recognizing the hard work of STEM students and staff.
Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week.
October 31st- The Red Cross and Q & A Club will hold a costume contest. The entry fee is $2.00.
November 1st – we will have our homecoming cookout in collaboration with A & T Four Middle College. There will be a modified schedule for classes. Students interested in sign-up for “Capture the Flag” event the sign-up sheet will be posted in the commons area. The Cookout is for all grade levels.
November 2nd and 3rd will be teacher workdays.
November 4th- STEM Royal Court will participate in the NC A & T parade. Members from the SGA are asked to accompany the Royal Court. SGA members see Mrs. Offhaus for permission slips to ride the float. Royal Court members need to see Mrs. Keels on Monday to finalize parade information.
This reminder is for freshman and sophomore students- For the past few weeks we have had quite a bit of trash left in the commons area and in the courtyard. It is your responsibility to help keep our school area clean. So please make sure you put away your trash.
There will be yearbook meeting after school on Tuesday, October 31st.
Submissions for the yearbook cover contest are due via email to KB by November 1st.
Seminar writing lab will be held Tuesday, October 31 during lunch next week.Week of Oct 22, 2023
Thank you to Mrs. Horton and her support team for a great College Application Week.
The PTSA is inviting parents and students to join us on Wednesday, October 25th for our “STEM Excels” Celebrations of Excellence event. The PTSA has planned a fun evening for food, music, and prizes. Come hear the results of all the hard work of students and staff and also recognize our HS teacher of the year. Students who bring a parent can receive service hours. The event starts at 5:00. Parent Volunteers are needed. Contact the PTSA President Nikki Henry Huff 336.681.2005.
As we approach Homecoming season, congratulations the STEM Early College Homecoming Court: Mr. and Miss Freshman Dev Shah and Kinley Carter, Mr. and Miss Sophomore Jerimiah Lawyer and Giana Lee, Mr. and Miss Junior Everette Dwight and Yasminia Issaka, and Mr. and Miss STEM Jarman Perry and Isabella Bryant. Congratulations.
Please check the board for Spirit Week Theme days. Tomorrow is PJ day.
Ladies of STEM will be selling boo-grams to raise money for the Moses Cone Cancer Center. They will be on sale during lunch for $1. Juniors and seniors can see KB directly to order.
The UNICEF club in collaboration with Early College at Guilford, is asking for bags of candy donations for their candy drive for refugee and immigrant students. Please drop off candy in the office.
ALL students should now be enrolled in the X2vol Service-Learning documentation platform. If you are not enrolled or need help, please contact Mrs. Gines-Hoyes ASAP at ginesa@gcsnc.com
Remember, the school goal is for EACH student to earn AT LEAST 100 documented Service-Learning hours by the end of their senior year.Week of Oct 9, 2023
10/9- is a GCS teacher workday
10/10- is the Junior/Senior Group Meeting in Smith Hall 10am-12pm
10/12 is PSAT testing for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. Be sure to bring in your charged Chromebook and pencils. Students will return to 3rd block after the test.
10/17- Pre-ACT for 10th grade students only
10/19 is Fall Picture Day for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. 11th graders must come on their own time. November 15th is Senior Individual Picture Day
10/16-10/20 is Free College Application Week
10/23-10/27 is Fall School Spirt Week _Check the announcement board for School Spirit Day themes
Don’t forget to sign up for the TechArts event on Oct. 21st . This event is in Greensboro.
Please check the announcement board on Tuesday for Nominees for the 2023 Homecoming Royal Court. Winners will need to stop on TUESDAY by the office to pick up their nomination acceptance letter.Week of Oct 2, 2023
Senior Night- Thank you to the parents and seniors who were able to attend the Senior Night meeting. There was a lot of information shared. If were not in attendance please see Mrs. Horton to pick up a Senior Handbook.
October 9th is a GCS-mandated workday.
October 10th is the Junior-Senior Meeting in room 2014 Smith Hall from 10:00-12:00. (snacks will be served)
October 12th the PSAT will be administered to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders
October 17th the Pre-ACT will be administered to 10th-grade students only
October 19th is Fall picture day for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. ( 11th graders must come to Smith to take pictures for the yearbook)
October 21st is the TechArts event sponsored by Duke University for STEM students. If you have not registered please use the link provided in the email to reserve your spot. TechArts - Greensboro - Oct 21
Students, please be sure that you check the announcement board in the front commons area. Updates and announcements are posted daily. We also encourage everyone to follow us on our social media platforms to stay abreast of events that are taking place at our school.
Limited copies of the 2022-2023 yearbook are on sale for $30. Please see KB to purchase.
AP Seminar Writing Lab is Wednesdays from 12:10-12:30. See KB to sign up.
If you or your child are not receiving my weekly announcements through email please send me your updated email address and I will make the necessary changes.Week of Sept 25, 2023
TechArts- Please check your email for a flyer for a Technology and Art Event on October 21st sponsored by Duke University and Modern Figures Podcast. The event is here in Greensboro and is free for STEM students. Seats are limited, so register now.
September 25th is a GCS optional teacher workday.October 10th- Junior and Senior Meeting 10:00-12:00 Smith Hall Room 2014
October 12 is the PSAT test for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders
October 17th -Pre-ACT for 10th graders
October 19th is Fall pictures for 9th and 10th graders
Please check the announcement board for club updates.
Limited copies of the 2022-2023 yearbook are still available for $30. See KB to purchase.
Anyone needing assistance with AP seminar, writing labs begin Wednesday from 12:10-to 12:30. Please see KB for signup.
The interesting meeting for the Summer 2024 England tour is October 3rd at 6 pm in Smith Hall. See Ms. Miller for more information.Senior Meeting: the Senior Meeting for parents and students is Wednesday Sept 27 in McNair Hall Room 2040 from 5:00 -7:00 pm.
Week of Sept 18, 2023
STEMFest: Thank you so much to Ms. Offhaus, the Student Council, PTA, parents and staff for a great Funfest on Saturday. Everyone had a wonderful time.
Announcement Board: Remember the announcement board is updated frequently with information that you need to know. Please pay close attention to those announcements.
Check-in Mtgs: Junior and Senior students if you were able to meet with your advisor last week for your check-in meeting, you must reschedule for this week.
Congratulations to Mr. Pait for being named High School Teacher of the Year and congratulations to the STEM students and staff who Exceeded academic growth last year.
Quiz Bowl: The first Quiz Bowl practice will be Wednesday, September 20 from 4:25-5:45. It is open to anyone interested.
Yearbook:Limited copies of the 2022-2023 yearbook are on sale for $30. See Mrs. King-Bennett if you are interested.
Week of Sept 5, 2023
Greetings everyone, This is Ms. Keels with announcements for the week.
September 4th- Labor Holiday. There are no high school or college classes.
September 16th- Join us at Spears YMCA for STEMFest 2023. All grade levels are encouraged to attend. There will be fun and games. This event is sponsored by the Student Council Association. Parents are asked to donate snacks, water, and drinks. Items can be dropped off in the office. To sign up for donations please click the Sign-up Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090849A8A928A3FF2-stemfest.
September 27th – We will hold our Senior Night Meeting starting at 5:00 pm. The location on campus is TBD. Mrs. Horton and other guests will share information that will be important to both Parents and Students about FAFSA, CFNC, College Applications, etc... This is a mandated meeting, so students are expected to attend even if parents may not be able to come. So please mark your calendars.
Pictures Dates: Students please read the message board in the commons area for picture dates.
Juniors and Seniors as a reminder we will begin monthly check-in with you. Please check the dual enrollment canvas page to see who your check-in advisory will be and the time slots they have available. The check-ins will be required. If students neglect to check in, we will set up a meeting with the student and parent. Also, don’t forget our group meeting will be October 10th in 2014 in Smith Hall. This meeting is also required.
Parents if you have not received weekly announcements, you may need to update your contact information in powerschool. Mrs. Reynolds emailed instruction on how to create an account and sigh up in Ecollect to update your information.
Click on the link attached to the weekly announcement email for a short video tutorial. https://help.powerschool.com/t5/PowerSchool-Ecollect-Forms-COVID/Training-Video-Parents/ba-p/140987. Please contact Mrs. Reynolds if you need further assistance. Also there are printed directions attached to this email as well.
Club Information: Club Interest meeting continue through September 15th please take a look at the announcement board in the hallway for Club Interest meeting dates. If student want to start a club they must complete an application and get approval before starting. Great News our Robotics club is starting up gain “The STEMtrons”. Interested students much see Mr. Pait or Ms. Yancey.
Celebration of Excellence- The Celebration of Excellence ceremony will be September 14th at 5:00 pm at Ragsdale High School. We invite students to come our to support Mr. Pait our Project Management teacher who is a Teacher of the Year Finalist.
That's all the announcements I have a this time. Have a great evening.Week of August 28, 2023
Greetings everyone,
Well, this has been a very busy week. College students have started their classes. Friday 8/25/23 was the last day to make schedule changes for STEM Early College students. A huge thank you to Mrs. Horton for her hard work in getting class schedules adjusted and completed. Please listen and read carefully to the following dates and upcoming events..
September 4th – Holiday No school for HS or dual enrollment students.
Sept. 16th - Please join us for a night of fun and games at Spears YMCA from 7pm-10pm. We encourage all grade levels to come. This event is sponsored by the Students Council.
Sept. 27- Senior Night Meeting is tentatively set for this date. More information to come.
Picture Dates for the year are as follows
Fall Individuals - 10/19
Senior Originals - 11/15
Fall Retakes - 12/14
Cap and Gown - 2/28/24
Juniors and Seniors- Please check your Canvas dual enrollment page for updates and information. We will be starting our monthly small group check-in starting in September. Juniors with last name initial A-Jackson will be with Ms. Yancey, and students Jaimes-Z are assigned to Ms. Sinclair. Seniors’ last name A-M are assigned to Ms. Keels and last names N-Z are assigned to Mrs. Horton. These advisory assignments are just for monthly check-ins.
Parents- There is a new way of checking and updating your PowerSchool information. E-collect is a new and easy way to make these changes. Mrs. Reynolds is the contact person if you have any questions.
Also, parents, if you have not joined the PTSA please so do by logging into Giveback (formerly Memberhub)- https://stemearlycollegencat.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
There will be a meeting regarding the senior internship on Monday, August 28. Sessions will be held at 9 AM and 2 PM in Smith 1009. Please check your email for information from King-Bennett.
Club interest meetings will begin next week. However official club meeting will not begin until September. More information will be shared with students about how to join clubs.
Ladies of STEM will hold their interest meeting Wednesday, August 30 after school in Smith 1009. Please have rides her no later than 5:30.