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GCS Begins Initial Phase of Bond 2022 Projects

May 31, 2022 – Guilford County Schools is wasting no time moving forward with projects to be funded by the $1.7 billion bond approved by voters on May 17. At Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting, the school board named 36 school projects and two administrative projects to be included in the first phase of design and project management.

The project ordinances also include $48 million for deferred maintenance, technology, safe schools, educational adequacy and athletics, which will pay for improvements at every GCS school.

The budgeted amounts include the cost of project management and design; additional funds will be requested as the projects progress.

The project ordinances will now be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for funding. The ordinances must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners prior to the execution of contracts and the beginning of work on each project.

Project name

Cost of Project Management and Design

Sumner Elementary


Swann Center 6-12


Lindley K-8


Northwood Elementary


Shadybrook Elementary


Northwest Middle School Replacement


Joyner Elementary


Vandalia Elementary


Bessemer Elementary


Millis Road Elementary


Maintenance- Main/Transportation


Jackson 6-12


Kirkman Park Elementary


Montlieu Elementary


Grimsley High


Smith High


Irving Park Elementary


Page High


Washington K-8


Lincoln Academy


Weaver Academy


Southern High


Deferred maintenance, technology, safe schools, educational adequacy & athletics


Doris Henderson Newcomers


Sedgefield Elementary


Allen Middle


Western High


Northwest Area Aviation High School


Mendenhall Middle


Northeast High


Morehead Elementary


General Greene Elementary


Andrews High


Transportation/Maintenance Hub West


Johnson Street K-8


Alderman Elementary


Nathanael Greene Elementary


Welborn/Kearns 6-12


6-12 Preparatory Academy in High Point





For more information about the district’s master facilities plan, click here.