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Lindley Elementary Design Program Update, Upcoming Community Event

A facility condition assessment is currently in progress for the existing 1928 building at Lindley Elementary School. The information from this assessment will be utilized in determining the criterion for the project related to all options that include but are not limited to 1) restore/preserve/rehabilitate, 2) renovate/update/modernize/adaptive reuse, and 3) replace/rebuild.

The facility conditions assessment consists of the following investigations and reviews that include associated timelines to complete:

Assessment Type

Completion Timeline

Geotechnical Survey & Exploration

8 weeks

Site Environmental Survey (Phase 1 & 2 ESA)

6 weeks

Thermology/ Moisture Testing - Building Envelope

3 weeks

Comprehensive Walk-through

1 week

Energy Analysis

2 weeks

NC DPI/GCS Standards Assessment & Development Options

4 weeks

Facility/Maintenance Work Order Review & Background Interviews

1 week

Follow-up Site Work/Verification

1 week

Draft Report

1 week

Budget Analysis/Feasibility/Cost Estimate

2 weeks

Final Report

1 week

Some of the investigations and assessment types listed above will be scheduled to run concurrently when feasible to minimize, if not eliminate, all impacts to the daily school operations and scheduled activities.

A community engagement meeting will be facilitated near the completion of the draft report to present the preliminary findings of the facility conditions assessment, document community/school staff/student concerns and issues as well as discuss the final steps of the assessment. This community engagement is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Lindley Elementary School located at 2700 Camden Road Greensboro, NC 27403.

Any questions or concerns prior to the community meeting should be directed to Gene Sides, Executive Director of Planning, Design, & Construction via email at