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Valentines Day Dance

Valentine’s Dance- Friday, February 7th from 6-8 PM

Don’t forget to buy your tickets to the Valentine’s Dance. The Student Council is selling $5 tickets at lunch. Also, we need you to make this event a success! Sign-up to decorate, help during the event or clean up. Thank you so much for your support. 


Pick-up will begin promptly at 7:50 PM. All students will be moved to the 6th grade classrooms to await pick-up. Please enter the car rider line via Caber Road, as there will be no pick-up in the circular drive. Make sure you know the car rider numbers for all the students you are picking up before next Friday. If you do not know a student’s number, please contact their AA teacher. 

Mrs. Runtz will be stationed at the end of the driveway by Caber Road to enter car rider numbers as you enter. This will notify staff in A Building to send students to the car rider pick-up area. 

Please, for the safety of all of our students, do NOT pull around cars during pick-up even if all of your children are loaded unless you are directed to do so.

To allow the most number of students to load safely at once, please pay attention to the staff who will be directing you to pull forward.  

We thank you for your diligence in keeping all students safe during this process.