Oak Hill's Media Center

    Oak Hill Media Center Information

    When is book check out?

    2nd - 5th grade students may check out books during open circulation Monday-Thursday mornings from 7:00 until 7:40.  Students must check in with their classroom teacher prior to coming to the library.  


    How many books can be checked out at one time?

    • Second - Fifth Grades - 2 Books
    • Although Kindergarten and 1st grade students don't bring books home, a crate of books is taken to their classroom to enjoy for two weeks.  Afterwards, they receive a new set of books.


    When are books returned to the library?

    Books can be returned anytime during the school day, but it is preferred that they are returned during open circulation from 7:00-7:40.  Students may keep borrowed library books for two weeks.  After that time, all books are considered overdue by our computer system. 

    Our library does not charge fees for overdue books; however, please remember other students may want to borrow the same book.  Please be respectful and return books on time.  Periodically, overdue notices will be sent home to help encourage students to return items or to pay for them if they are lost.


    Can books be renewed?

    Yes!  If a student would like to renew a book, the book must be brought to the library to be scanned in order to renew it for another two weeks.


    What if a book is lost?

    If a book is lost, you will receive a notice from the library indicating the cost of the book in order for it to be replaced.  We don't accept personal checks.  However, if paying with a money order, please make it payable to Oak Hill Elementary.  


    Library Procedures

    • Enter quietly.
    • Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
    • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    • Bring only your library book(s).  Occasionally, you may need to bring your device and/or pencil.  The teacher will be informed if you need to bring additional items.  Please do NOT bring toys, trinkets, food, and drink into the library.
    • Take a bathroom break before coming to the library.
    • All school rules apply in regards to proper behavior.