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  • Guilford County Schools Credit Recovery

    "The Board of Education believes in providing high school students who have not earned the required course credit for graduation with an opportunity to recover lost credits. The Board further believes that such credit recovery opportunities for students should include additional, consistent and equitable access to standards-based content that fosters greater student mastery of the concepts and skills necessary for future academic success. Students are not limited to the number of credit recovery courses they may take prior to high school graduation."


    Credit Recovery Defined

    "In accordance with North Carolina State Board of Education Policy (State Board), the Board defines Credit Recovery as an alternative to repeating an entire course to earn credit for high school graduation. Credit recovery specifically addresses deficiencies in a student’s mastery of the course/standards and targets the specific components/standards of a course necessary for completion. Credit recovery courses are pass/fail only and do not replace the original record of a failed course on student transcripts. Students who wish to modify their GPAs must repeat the entire course for credit."