• Classroom Expectations

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    6th grade English language arts is a combination of lesson plans in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. Both Reading and Writing Workshops will be utilized. English lesson plans are standards based, using the Common Core standards and district student objectives for achievement as the guiding framework for instruction in this course.  Reading Workshop includes reading short stories/questions, vocabulary instruction, independent reading, class novels and discussions, lessons in comprehension strategies and other skills, and literature circle discussions. Through the study of literature, literary devices and techniques are also taught. Writing Workshop incorporates prompt writing, the writing process, mini lessons in the focus areas of voice, style, correctness, adding sensory details, grammar skills, and other necessary revision skills.


    Course Requirements:

    Students will…

    • Read independently at home (30 minutes per night is required and will be logged. Log sheets are due every Friday.)
    • Complete “Bellringer” daily. (Grammar, spelling, or writing exercise)
    • Study for and take weekly stems/vocabulary tests.
    • Complete prompt writing and reading responses weekly.
    • Take quizzes, tests, and other forms of assessments throughout the course.
    • Participate and engage in small group focused educational skills.


    Classroom Rules & Expectations:

    1.) Be respectful of teachers, peers, and yourself.

    2.) Follow directions the first time they are given.

    3.) Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin working on the Bellringer.

         (daily assignment on board)

    4.) Raise your hand and wait to be called on during class discussions.

    5.) At all times, allow your teachers to teach and the other students to learn.

    6.) Refrain from negative body language, negative talk-back or face-making when your behavior is corrected.

    7.) Come prepared to class--Bring reading (SSR) book, ELA notebook, and PENCILS to class daily.


    Mrs. Tolbert’s ELA Late Work Policy:

    • For all homework assignments- Late homework WILL be accepted at 50% its worth UNTIL the day of the final assessment or final paper.
    • For all projects and/or final drafts of papers- Late work WILL be accepted with 10% counted off for every day it is late.
    • On rare occasions, events occur that make it impossible for a student to finish his/her homework on time. If this happens, the parent should write an explanatory note or email me at tolberh@gcsnc.com so that I will not penalize the student for circumstances beyond his/her control.  I expect all late work to be completed so that the students will still have a chance to learn the new material and earn a grade.

    Required Daily Materials for This Course:

    • Pencils
    • (1) 70 count one subject bound composition book for “Bellringer”, ELA notes, stems, and vocabulary words.
    • Independent reading book (We will be going to the school library twice a month.)
    • Positive attitude
    • Work ethic
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