• Daily Schedule

    7:20 am - Morning Procedures
    7:45 am - Reading and Writing
    9:45 am- Math
    11:15 am - Lunch
    11:40 am - Recess
    12:10 pm - Science/Social Studies
    12:45 pm - Specials (M- Art, T- Media, W- Guidance/Computer, Th- Music, F- PE)
    1:30 pm - Intervention/Enrichment
    2:00 pm - Read Aloud/SSR/Work Time
    2:25 pm - Dismissal

  • Assignments

    You will receive sets of your child's papers weekly so you can stay up to date on their progress. The Monday folder should be signed and returned each week. Please review these papers with your child and discuss how he or she feels about the work and where he or she may be struggling. Please share any insights with me that might help support your child.
    Grading scale:
              100-90 A
              89-80   B
              79-70   C
              69-60   D
              59 - 0   F
    Grades will be based upon your child's daily work, quizzes, tests, and unit projects. Effort and participation will also be a factor in determining final grades.

  • Homework

    Your child may receive math, reading, and/or vocabulary homework nightly as listed in the planner. They are expected to complete this homework and have it ready to turn in the day it is due.
    Fourth graders are expected to read 30 minutes each night in a book of their choosing. The minutes will be logged in the student planner on the monthly calendar days. At the end of the month, please total your child's minutes and sign the page. Students are also expected to practice math facts for 10 minutes each day. Math fact fluency is essential for mastering 4th grade math standards.
    Each night your child will bring home their planner, homework folder, IRLA folder, and relevant vocabulary flashcards. They are always allowed to bring home notebooks or textbooks as needed to help with homework or to study. All of these materials need to return the next day. Students are responsible for their own materials, so if forgotten, students will pay a fine with "Eagle Bucks."

  • Breakfast: Breakfast is served starting at 7:20.  Students should arrive as early as possible if planning to get breakfast at school. This ensures they are in their seats and ready to learn when school begins at 7:45!
    Snack: Your child may bring a healthy snack each day for morning snack time.
    Water Bottle: Students may keep a water bottle on their desk to stay hydrated and minimize interruptions in learning.  Please only send water, not colored juice or other liquid, to avoid messes in case of accidental spills.
    Bathroom Breaks: We will take several group bathroom breaks during the day. Otherwise, I ask students to do their best to wait until independent work
    time to use the restroom so they don't miss important instruction.
    Communication: I will communicate with parents via newsletters, email, phone calls, and the Class Dojo app. If you download ClassDojo and sign up for your child's account, we will be able to send each other messages. I will also post student work for you to see the amazing things your child does at school!