• In order to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students, your child will be expected to follow these rules:
    1. Follow all directions the first time given.
    2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    3. Use kind words and a positive tone of voice when speaking to others.
    4. Be prepared for class with all materials.
    5. Complete all assignments given.
    Your child will be rewarded for positive choices by earning "Eagle Bucks" which can be used in our class store.  However, should your child neglect to follow classroom rules, following a warning they will incur consequences such as loss of "Eagle Bucks", silent lunch, time out in another classroom, parent contact, loss of privileges, or office referral. NOTE: Severe disruptions to learning may result in immediate office referral.

    It is in your child's best interest that we work together with regard to their schooling. Thus I will keep you informed of your child's progress on a daily basis. Students will receive a stamp of approval in their planner for making positive choices all day, or a note indicating any consequences received (other than loss of Eagle Bucks) and why.  Please review your child's planner nightly and initial. Notice any areas in which your child seems to be struggling so we can work together to eliminate any problems. These procedures will help create a safe learning environment for all students. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns through the year.